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Hello!!! I am Bro_Chill14 and I'm new here, this is my first story and I hope it turns out good, oh and uh if you find a few familiar story lines, please bear with me because I copied some plots from other stories and I thank the authors for it, hehe, sorry for acting a bit weird right now, anyways like I said, this is gonna be a Mikasa X Male Reader, you're asking why I'm putting Mikasa with you?, well it's because I like her and I thought it's gonna be great for my story to put you with her, am I being selfish right now?, anyways if you don't like it then I suggest you get the F*** OUT OF HERE!!... HAHAHAHAHA I'm so sorry if I offended you but I'm just messing with you, anyways, if you don't like it, I'm sorry, I'm still writing this story, maybe next time I'm putting you with other girls, or boys if you're gay, with a bit of a twist, hehe


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