1. Luciana, Luciana Roman.

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"Please stop please", the bastard begged as blood began to gush from his mouth.

I used my glove covered hand to tilt his head back, forcing him to look into my dull emotionless eyes.

"Do I look like I want to hear your begging?", I snapped, glaring into his fearful eyes.

He slowly shook his head as he started to cough up more blood.

"Besides, Bastards like you deserve all of this", I snarled as I began to hear police sirens, "Aww it's a shame my fun is about to be over, I was really starting to enjoy this."

I walked over to the table that was once spotless and organized. Now blood, knives, and a few teeth lay scattered upon it. I picked up the only unused knife.

"No more please", He croaked, shaking his head.

"Quit your bitching, your life is almost over", I walked over to him, plunging my knife into the side of his neck.

He kept his eyes locked on me as he began to gasp for air.

I sighed realizing my fun was over and it was time to quickly clean up before the police arrived. I picked up a gas can and poured the gasoline over the man who was almost dead.

Once he was properly drenched, I lit a match and tossed it on his body. Flames engulfed him quickly. I proudly smirked at my work.

I grabbed my bag, which was outside of the man's house, and got into my car. I sped off into the distance not wanting to be caught by the police.

I sighed as I drove. I decided I didn't want to feel anything tonight. I made a detour on the way to my apartment to the local liquor store. It wasn't too far from my current location so it only took a couple minutes to get there.

As I was walking inside, I noticed that the usual cashier wasn't working this evening. He would sell me anything I wanted even though I was only sixteen years old.

Time to see how much this guy values his life...

I went back and grabbed my favorite brand of whiskey off of the shelf, then went to the front where the register was, and put it on the counter.

"I need to see your I.D ma'am", He demanded.

"I lost it", I shrugged.

"Then I can't sell this to you", He started to reach for the bottle.

I scoffed," You'd best leave that up there and ring it up."

"Is that a threat?"

"No, it's life advice."

He looked at me like I was psychotic. I sighed realizing tonight just wasn't my night to be lucky.

"Last chance, put it back up there", I calmly told him, my hand grasping the handle of the knife in my pocket.

"Not happening."

"Fine", I threw the knife towards him, watching as it brushed past his head and into the wall.

While he was distracted I grabbed the bottle and dashed towards the door. Before I could open it, I crashed into something and onto the floor I went. The bottle shattered over me.

"The fuck?"I muttered looking up to see what I ran into.

Just my luck, it was a police officer.

"She just tried to kill me", the cashier screamed, pointing at me.

"No I didn't", I yelled before jumping to my feet and pushing past the officer to flee the scene.

The officer was on my tail when I got to my car. I quickly jumped in and drove off. When I was a few streets away from the store there were now at least two cop cars chasing me.

Before I could properly get away, the car began to stagger. I glanced at my dash... the fuel gauge was empty.

"Damn it", I slammed my fists onto the steering wheel.

"Get out of the car", my head snapped to the window to see an officer aiming a gun at me, "with your hands up."

With no other choice, I slowly exited my car with my hands in the air. Once I was out, the officer pushed me into the side of my car and put handcuffs on me.

"This is not what I wanted to do this evening", the officer muttered as we started to walk back to his squad car.

"What did you want to do then?", I asked," Cause if you ask me, I just made your night ten times more exciting, no need to thank me."

"There is a murderer running loose and wants to threaten a cashier over some booze", He lectured as he helped me into the back seat," I bet your parents are worried sick about you."

For the ride to the station I stayed silent, not like he tried to have a conversation with me. Once we were inside the building, I was taken to an interrogation room.

A female officer came inside a few minutes after I was placed inside of it.

She smiled at me," What's your name so we can get in touch with some family members."

I laughed, "Good luck. They are all dead."

"I'm sure they aren't all deceased."

I rolled my eyes.

"So either we sit here all night or you tell me your name right now", she explained.

"Fine... Luciana Roman."

No one else came into the room for hours. I just sat there watching the clock on the wall.

Suddenly, the door slammed open. I quickly glared at the doorway, expecting an officer to come into the room.

I scoffed, "Seriously? You actually came here? Did you happen to send any more children away, Martino?"

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