First Kiss

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You somehow convinced your dad to let you have a sleepover with the ninja (and C/g/n, unfortunately), and Jay somehow convinced everyone to play Seven Minutes in Heaven. You protest that you don’t know how the game works, but Jay insists that you play.

“It’s easy,” he tells you. “Just put a small object in this box, and I’ll explain the rest later.”

You grab a measuring cup from the kitchen and put it in the box Jay brought out. Then you return to the living room and wait. 

Finally, Jay comes out of the kitchen, holding the box. “Okay, everyone got something in here?” there’s a chorus of yesses

“Good. For those of you who don’t know—” Jay gives you a pointed look “—here’s how the game works. Everybody takes turns choosing one item out of the box until a guy picks a girl’s object, or vice versa. The two of them are gonna spend seven minutes alone in the hall closet, and when time’s up, the box goes around again until we get another guy-girl pair to go in the closet. Got it?”

“I think so,” you tell him. “Could you repeat that last bit?”

“Don’t worry,” Cole laughs. “It’s pretty simple. You’ll get the hang of it in no time at all.” C/g/n glares at you. 

Jay goes first and pulls out a gear. “Nope. That’s Zane’s.”

Kai takes his turn and pulls out a gold bracelet with a large red stone in it. Everyone else bursts out laughing.

“I guess Kai and Nya get some sibling bonding time,” Jay says with a grin.

“Don’t get jealous, Jay,” you tease. Everyone laughs again while Jay blushes.

Kai and Nya walk into the closet and Zane sets a timer for seven minutes. Once time is up, Jay opens the closet door and Kai and Nya come back out and sit down. (They're siblings, guys. Don't start getting weird ideas.)

Now it’s Cole’s turn. He feels around the box and pulls out your measuring cup. Nobody has to ask who it came from—even you can tell that your face is tomato red. Cole blushes too.

“So…right.” Cole leads the way to the closet. You step inside and try to ignore C/g/n, who looks like she wants to strangle you.

Cole follows you into the closet and closes the door. The two of you stand in the darkness for a while before you finally break the silence.

“Your girlfriend’s gonna kill me.”

Cole sighs. “Yeah, about that, y/n. I’m thinking about breaking up with her.”

“What?” You stare at Cole, but it’s too dark to read his facial expression. “Why?”

“She’s just…she’s not the person I thought she was. When we first started dating, she was cheerful and happy and fun to be around, but now she acts jealous and possessive all the time. I can’t stay with a girlfriend who won’t let me leave the monastery without asking a million questions.”

“Haven’t you talked to her? I mean, if she really loves you, she’d believe that you weren’t going behind her back.”

“I tried,” Cole tells you. “She won’t listen.”

You shake your head. “Yeah. No offense, but your girlfriend’s kind of a jerk.”

Cole chuckles. “If it’s any comfort, she doesn’t like you either.”

“Really? I had no idea,” you say with a grin.

“Can I ask you something, y/n?”

“Go ahead.”

Cole takes a deep breath. “Would you be mad if I did this?”

“Did wh—?”

Cole cuts you off by leaning forward and kissing you. He stays there for a second before pulling away.

“Oh,” you say.

“I’ve kind of wanted to do that for a while,” Cole admits.

“Yeah,” you say softly. “Me too.”

You and Cole lean in and kiss again—just as C/g/n opens the door.

“Y/n!” she shrieks. You and Cole jump apart guiltily.

C/g/n is furious. “You backstabbing little %$#&@!”

“How was that backstabbing?!” you yell. “That wasn’t even supposed to happen!”

“Yeah, right!” C/g/n screams. “You think I haven’t noticed how you’ve had your eye on Cole? You think I haven’t noticed that you’re planning to steal him from me?”

“Oh, get a grip!” you shout back. “The world doesn’t revolve around you!”

Cole looks back and forth between the two of you. “Y/n, C/g/n…can’t you calm down and talk about this?”

C/g/n is still screaming. “I will not calm down! You tell her to get out of here right now, or we are over!!”

C/g/n grabs Cole’s arm and drags him out of the room. You can still hear her shrieking. You don’t envy Cole right now.

You turn around. The others are all staring at you. “I…should probably go.” You grab your bag and head out the door. The sound of C/g/n’s shouting echoes behind you and you drive away from the monastery. 

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