Chapter 1-Introductions

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"Mines's Virgil, you hungry?" Virgil flicked his tail and wrapped it around his body to rest on his feet, taking notice of the gleam in its eyes as it shifted slightly.

"I am... Anywhere to hunt?" It stood up, and scanned its surroundings, as if looking for a small animal. So it knew how to hunt, that was good to know. Must be at least 6 weeks then.

"Afraid not, but you won't need to here. Either Roman or Logan will feed you when they get up and again when they go to sleep." He paused to scratch his ear before continuing "But if you'd like I can take you out sometime to hunt"

"That's ridiculous, there's no way anybody'd do that." Remy seemed almost angry about being 'lied' to, and it was clear it didn't believe him. It ignored the offer as well.

"I'm telling the truth, I can show you." He wasn't upset or angry about the small animal not believing him, he completely understood. It had most likely lived outside it's whole life and had to find its own food. So of course someone just giving them food would be absurd.

"I'm not lying, I can show you" Virgil stood up, ready to go to the kitchen and show it the feeder.

"Alright, go ahead and prove you're lying." It grumbled, standing up and stretching before walking a few steps towards him.

"I'm not, you'll see. C'mon" Virgil called as he started walking to the kitchen, making sure Remy was close behind.

"Alright, there it is" He smirked, taking notice that the kitten was in fact male. Now he wouldn't have to keep calling him an it.

He seemed in awe as he saw the feeder, which had food in the bowl and the storage container. "Am I- Am I allowed to eat?" Remy marveled, glancing back at Virgil.

"'course you can, just maybe not that. I don't know if you'd be able to chew it, give me a second" Virgil murmured, jumping up onto the counter and slipping his paw into the crevice of the cupboard which he knew held the soft cat food in a bag.

He managed to open it after trying a few times, jumped in and bit one of the packs before jumping down and setting it on the ground.

"What's that?" Remy asked, stopping to sniff it "It smells good!"

"Let me open it and you'll see" Virgil began, "Can you step on it? Right here." He swatted at the top, right below the seal to show where.

"Uh-huh!" The smaller one exclaimed, clearly excited to know what was hidden inside. He did just that, jumping over to stand where he was told too.

"Thanks" the older one murmured as he bit the start of the peel and pulled back to open it. "Now, come over and look," He added, spitting the plastic out and backing away to give the younger space.

"Okay?" He puzzled, but did just that as he walked to the top and sniffed at the opening. Before he knew it, something pushed out of the pack, and he jumped back in surprise.

"What's that?" Remy questioned, moving forward cautiously.

"That's what smelled so good, food." Virgil responded, stepping on the packet's bottom again to press more out of the opening.

"So I eat it?" Remy asked (but not meaning it as a question), taking a small bite to taste before eating it much faster.

"Hey now, don't eat too fast, you'll get sick and we don't want that" Virgil warned, sitting and beginning to clean himself while he waited for the kitten to finish, making sure he slowed down if he ever ate too fast again.

Soon enough Remy had finished and backed out of the bag, which he had actually crawled into to get whatever he could out of it. He trotted over to Virgil and sat next to him, gently nuzzling against his legs to show appreciation.

He squeaked slightly when he felt something against his head, but calmed when he saw it was just Virgil cleaning off what was left from going inside the pack, a quiet purr rumbling from his throat.

This wasn't too bad, he hadn't been attacked yet, the humans seemed nice enough from the small amount of time they interacted, so maybe he would stay if he was allowed.

1470 words

Hello! This is the first chapter of the book, and one of many, I hope! The writing may be a little bad or choppy at parts since I haven't written very many stories (yet, hopefully). Grammer may be a little bad since I always have trouble with that, but I made it the best I could. I hope you enjoyed it, and don't forget to leave comments and tell me how it was!

The top pictures are Remy and Virgil, and they're labeled so you know who's who. If you have any questions about it, DM me or comment and I'll answer! Have a good day, see ya!


December 17th, 2021

The adventures of Virgil the Catحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن