The introduction to the padawan

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I wake up in a panic, 'where am I? Wait.. who am I?' I look around to check my surroundings, I see stars slow down all around me and see a very large planet drawing closer. I look to the cockpit and see 3 figures. A small green creature, not quite human. Then besides him is a tall man with brown hair and a beard, and finally a tall bald max with his hands crossed over his chest.

"So you're awake" the tall bald man says to me, I look up at him to see a tough but caring face.

"Oh it seems the boy has awakened" a voice to my left said, I look to the voice and see a... man? He had a very human body but green skin and what seemed to be tentacles on his head. He crouched down next to my young self and put his hand on top of my head caringly.

"I'm master fisto, I'm glad to see you're okay" he says to me with a smile, a warm feeling brushed over me, almost like... magic? I'm still at a loss for words, why can't I remember anything, this is the first thing I have in my memories.. 'Im scared' I think to myself putting my head down

"Are you okay my boy?" Master fisto says to me as his smile turns to a look of concern. The small green creature and the tall bearded man walk closer to me.

"Safe with us, you are" the small green thing said in a high pitched voice. 'Why does he talk like that'

"I-... I don't know who I am" I manage to squeak out, master fisto and the bearded man kneel beside me. The bearded man puts his hand on my shoulder, I slightly jump at the feeling ... he takes notice.

"Do not fear my boy" the bearded man says in a deep booming voice, "My name, is Qui-gon Jinn, master Kit Fisto and I managed to drag you out of the building onto the ship."

'What.. dragged me from what building? I'm so confused...'  i clinch my fists on my pant legs and start to let tears fall, I can feel my body getting week and I pass out.

*Qui-Gon pov*

"Master yoda, this boy" I say to the grand master looking for guidance, I should not have saved this boy knowing that there were force sensitive but something in the force pulled me to him.

"Yes, in him the force is. A life we saved today, an important one" Yoda says looking down at the boy, he is red and sweating, this boy is an anomaly, what he did at such a young age... that is incredible.

"A skilled youngling, he will become" Yoda says turning back to master windu. "But the chosen one he is not" he says putting his head down.

"Qui-gon, this boy is at most 6 years old, but he needs definite protection and supervision" master fisto says to me, I think to myself for a moment and look back up at the force master.

"I am still on duty to find the chosen one, so master fisto, will you please take this child as your youngling, and train him to control his force powers, someone as calm and masterful as you should do well for the child" I reply to him instantly greeted by a confused look.

"I- wait me?" He says out of confusion and Yoda interjects the middle of his sentance.

"Hmm yes, a good fit for the boy you will be, when ready, his master you shall be" Yoda says surprising windu and master fisto.  'Well now I know the boy is in good hands.'

~ time skip roughly 3-4 months~
*my pov*

I awaken, today I'm not in the hospital I actually got to go to the Jedi younglings chambers, tho I only get my own, master fisto has told me a lot of things about the world of coruscant, the home of the Jedi, who are the protectors of peace in the universe, I'm still not sure who I am really, the council allowed my future master and care taker kit fisto to name me, he chose Keagin Fisto, tho I only go by keagin to avoid confusion. Yesterday master fisto imformed me that today I will be nearing my group of youngling a that I am a part of, I'll have a "family" of 4 in my small child army, I'm very excited to possibly make some friends besides master fisto.

"Young keagin" master fisto says as he opens my door looking down to me sitting on my bed in my robes.

"Yes master!" I say showing how extremely excited I am, he responds with a slight laugh.

"Are you ready to meet your new friends my boy?" He says with a father like tone, I nod to him and walk through the door he guides me through, we walk down the hall filled with large men with all white armor and bucket helmets, master fisto calls them clones, which I assume just means soldiers, they look very cool and most of them are very nice.

"Here we are" master fisto says as he opens a door, inside the small room is 7 round seats, 5 of them occupied, I am greeted first by master Yoda and bow my head slightly, I look over to the children but one girl really catches my eye as she looks very nice and bright is another word. She has orange skin and grey hair? With black stripes in it, she waved to me with a smile and I wave back. Master fisto gestures me to sit by the girl. I smile and look back up to master Yoda and master Fisto.

"Hm, you 4, a family you shall become. You're training together from now on it will be." Master Yoda says which makes me bubble in my heart, I love training especially combat training the fun it gives me is another type of rush.

"Ashoka Tano, Keagin Fisto, Harbick Jisk and Moji Gallet, you 4 are all in the same youngling training faction based off of similar force ability's and personalities." Master fisto said each of us raising our hand when he recites are names. 'Ashoka huh'  I think to myself and look back to the grand master

"3 years you get, become ready you must" Yoda says bluntly, I look to master fisto and he nods to us.

"Yes, you 4 will experience rigorous jedi training for the next 3 years, at the age of 10 you will receive you're lightsaber and first master, and you will become a padawan" he says holding up a small braid in his hand. Lost in thought of my own lightsaber the lecture continues, 'wow... just 3 years huh?' I think to myself excited at the thought of being a padawan 'I'll make master fisto proud, and become the strongest Jedi ever!' I scream in my own head looking forward to the future.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2021 ⏰

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