Chapter 7 ~

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I'll be calling your 'crush' "BTYN" as it stands for Boy that you named because yknow I can't keep typing that so now on when you see BTYN you know what it means!

'Ugh, class is so boring, I don't even know what on earth their talking about' You laid your head down on your desk and sighed. Unfortunately your sigh was cut off by your teacher calling on you. "Y/N. What is the answer to this math equation?" You immediately flung your head up and properly sat on your seat while fixing your posture.

"..." You didn't know how to respond because you weren't paying attention. "Y/N, what do you think the answer is?" The teacher was nice but you just didn't know the answer. "Sir, ...I don't know." "Ah, make sure to pay attention next time though, okay?" He smiled at you and you smiled back while nodding.

Everything was fine until you heard faint sounds from outside. You looked towards the window and noticed it was lightly raining. 'Awe man, I really hope it doesn't rain the entire day...' You sighed and looked at the front where the teacher was, teaching his class. Then you looked at the other students, most of them were paying attention and taking notes. 'What's all the worry about? Why is everyone taking notes? That's...Unusual.' You looked around some more and saw Scaramouche's seat. It was, of course, empty. 'Ugh, don't tell me that he's skipping, AGAIN.' You rolled your eyes and looked back at the teacher.

"So, that's all for todays lesson. I hope for those who did not understand this topic took notes. I also hope that you all are studying and preparing for the exams that's going to take place next week. If you already know about this subject, then I'm sure that you'll pass without fail. But for those who do not understand, feel free to come up to me for extra lessons as this exam is super important."

He lectured in a stern voice. 'Wait...Exams?!' You stood up and slammed your hands on the table. 'OH FUCK I DIDN'T STUDY.' You didn't realise that the entire class including the teacher were now staring at you. "Uhm, Miss Y/N, is everything okay?" The teacher asked "Oh, uhm, yeah! Sorry..." You replied and sat down all embarrassed.

You also realised that your crush wasn't in class either, 'hm, how strange. Knowing him, he's always on time for class so this is unusual. Also the fact that him and Scaramouche aren't here is making me suspicious.' You suspected that something was bound to happen but you just couldn't put your finger on it. It was like more of a instinct rather than a truth.

-Scaramouche's POV

'My god, where the fuck is this idiot?! I told him to meet me on the rooftop during class and I'm sure he didn't mind skipping. Don't tell me he ditched me...Or did he get caught? Ugh.' I was starting to get impatient until as if on que, someone showed up.

"Finally you're here." I said roughly while looking at them. "Haha, sorry, I almost got caught skipping class by the principle." "I wish you did" I whispered under my breath. "Huh, what was that?" "Nothing."

There was a awkward silence. The wind was getting more violent and it was raining, lightly. Our uniforms getting a bit wet.

"Tell me, what do you plan on doing to Y/N?" I spoke first, finally breaking the silence. "Mm? What do you mean?" He said. Gosh his face was so punchable. "You know exactly what I mean." I replied sternly which in reply he didn't react at all. "Listen, It's so obvious that she likes me, so I already know. I catch her staring at me all the time but she tries to hide it which is kind of cute. But what about it?" I replied with a "Tsk" before continuing on.

"Well, what are you planning?"

"What do you mean by planning? I'm not planning on doing anything."

"I don't trust that."


"What do you mean 'so?' I want a proper answer. I don't trust you, I don't believe that your not planning anything."

"Believe what you want, but don't blame me if your beliefs are wrong."


I was pissed by now. So pissed that I didn't realise that I punched him.

"Dude! What the fuck was that for?!" He said holding his cheek in pain while looking at me. "I'm sick of you, all you do in my life is piss me off." I replied.

He was on the floor and I walked up to him and kicked his stomach with force which he slid to the wall to the wall. Then he started to cough up blood. "BRO CHILL WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" "..." I didn't answer, I didn't bother to answer.

"DO YOU WANT TO FIGHT OR SOME SHIT?! BECAUSE I'M NOT A PUSSY I'LL FUCKING FIGHT YOU." He got up wiping the blood off his mouth and got into a fighting position then started to charge toward me.

This dude was taller than me but I don't give a fuck. I grabbed his neck and pinned him against the wall and soon started choking him.

He was gasping for air grabbing my hand that was choking him trying to get it off but I didn't budge. Soon tears started to fall out of his eyes as I just stared at him. Life was draining out of his eyes.

"SCARAMOUCHE WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING?!" 'Oh fuck' A teacher walked in and broke apart the fight. She grabbed my collar and dragged me away while BTYN stood there, in shock then glanced at me who was sending him many death glares

The teacher dragged me to the principles office and by this time, it was already break time and the other students were just staring at me in suprise. I didn't care until I saw Y/N. My eyes widened. '...Once the news go out on what happend, she'll hate me...She'll think that I'm a monster.' I sighed as I got dragged to the principles office.

"I cannot believe that you tried killing a student?! What will your mother think about this?!" The principle scolded me as I sat there in front of her desk. There was a large window behind her and I was looking out it seeing outside the school grounds. "Are you even listening?!" I stared at her and nodded. "Yeah, yeah whatever. I hope you know the fact that my mother and father left all the way to the other side of the world so haha, goodluck." I laughed sarcastically but the principal was still fuming.

"I will make you personally apologise to BTYN" I rolled my eyes "Okay." I replied with, I was still pissed off. The principal was not happy. "...Scaramouche," I looked up at her "What?"

"I'm afraid that I have no choice but expell you."



what do you guys think will happen next? Did you expect him to get expelled? 👀

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