★F O U R★

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Nayeon did her best to fall asleep. It was almost five in the morning, but she couldn't fall asleep. The ritual made her awake and alert. She was paranoid and scared. Nayeon wanted to see if the ritual worked, but he didn't believe in supernatural.

She  knew Dahyun did, and Nayeon did it to scare her. Nayeon's plane to scared Dahyun worked, but it too up her ability to fall asleep, which annoyed the hell out of her.

Nayeon was laying on her back, staring up the ceiling. There was no light in her room. Her curtains were slightly open, revealing the moonlight. The moon was brighter than asual. Nayeon noticed that and she stared at the small crack in the curtains to gain a good look at the moon.

Something passed by her window and Nayeon squinted her eyes to get a good look at whatever it was. She shrugged it off, not wanting to get off her bed to investigate it. She had an uneasy feeling in her stomach, but brush it off.

"Dahyun is just getting to me," She muttered.

Nayeon sighed and closed her eyes, trying to relax in his laid position on her bed. She slowly relaxed her muscles and joints. She unflexed her muscles, not realizing how tense she was throughout the entire day. She was so relaxed and drifted off into sleep.

But something wouldn't let her.

Her eyes opened, but there was nothing in the room with him. There was a small pressure on her chest. The pressure started out small, but it got even bigger. It didn't cut off her oxygen, but it made it harder for her breathe. Nayeon could only take small and shallow breaths. Her heart was beating too fast and caused her to gasped for more air.

Nayeon closed her eyes and attempted to calm down her heart rate and find her breathing pace again. The pressure lifted off a little, but it helped Nayeon a lot. She opened her eyes to see if anything changed. She saw a shadow finger sitting on top of her chest, but she couldn't make out a face.

The figure disappeared like a mist, making Nayeon confused and scared. The pressure was suddenly gone.

SUCCUBUS✓ || MINAYEON [18+]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя