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It was like getting hit over the head numerous times but unable to find the urge to finally slip from reality, going in waves, the pain slowly dissipated and after one final gut-wrenching sob, Vanya seemingly left Beau's mind. Though after such an energy-draining act, Beau was near unresponsive as they continued down the road towards Jenkins' cabin.

It came on quickly and suddenly as if Vanya had pushed herself unknowingly into Beau's mind but the frequency wasn't strong enough. And even when questions were thrown at him, Beau didn't utter a word, head leant against the window and hands lying limp in his lap.

In turn, it seemed he had invaded Five's mind and caused him great pain, the car swerving rather dangerously and if it wasn't for Diego reaching over to steady the steering wheel they all probably would have been very injured.

Beau breathed in deeply, neck twitching slightly, "Rosie." His voice was strained and quiet as he called out in vain but the silence that followed was unnerving. It was deadly quiet beside the loud hum of the vehicle and it made Beau screw his eyes shut. "Rosie."

"Beau, I'm here." Her sweet voice caused Beau to relax into his seat, a hand gently squeezing his shoulder as she sat behind him. 

"What the hell was that?" Luther asked after another moment of silence though for once he sounded concerned and it had Beau wondering how bad it had gotten while he was trapped in his own pain.

"Something's wrong. Very wrong." Beau breathed, bleary gaze focusing on Five who was breathing heavily, "Are you alright, Five? Can I do something?"

"No!" Five exclaimed abruptly before he cleared his throat and shifted in his seat, "No, I'm fine. It wasn't your fault."

This was what Beau was afraid of. If he couldn't control his powers he would surely hurt the people he cared about and many others. Five was wrong, Beau could very well be the cause of the end or at least a part of it and it was clear to see that frightened Five and he couldn't blame him because he felt the same way.

They arrived in silence and left the vehicle in a hurry, all piling into the cabin to find Allison on the floor. Beau took in the blood gushing from her throat and almost fell to his knees at how much it reminded him of someone else and though that was under different circumstances, the pain was almost the exact same. 

"Get her to the car!" Beau held in his emotions, tears welling up but unable to fall. He never thought of how it would feel to see one of the Hargreeves siblings dying and it could possibly be described as his heart being ripped out of his chest but he ignored it. They all piled back into the car at lightning speed and it was a miracle they had enough gas for the journey back.

They made it.

"Come on! Let's go!" Five ordered Luther as he carried her through the front door.

"I don't think she's breathing," Luther mumbled.

Beau scoffed and flicked his wrist, Allison floating out of Luther's arms and up the stairs towards the medical bay which caused some surprise. "Stop gawking and follow me!" It seemed they weren't all too used to seeing Beau use his powers quite like that but they couldn't risk anything.

Grace and Pogo were waiting as Allison was gently set down on the table, the blood-soaked cloth on her throat completely drenched and falling off. Beau grabbed it and put pressure on it, enough to keep the bleeding down but not too much as to choke her.

"She's suffered a severe laceration to her larynx. One of you will need to give blood." Grace spoke in an authoritative tone, prepping the tools.

"I will." All Hargreeves in the room volunteered all while Beau did his best to take the woman's pain away.

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