Disguise the Pain

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There's a place inside that we try and hide

A darkness that we fear will make us die

We repress it, but still it resides

Plaster makeup to cover the pain

Where a smile to dissuade the image of shame

Drink to numb and dull the edge

Inside it still resides

We dress it up we primp and swagger

But it still cuts through our facade

The burns are like a molten dagger

Why do we have to disguise ourselves as a

Content man

A happy teen

A giving wife

All hide an obscene darkness that rests unseen

What is so wrong about showing your pain

Do we hide it from our own insecurities

Or do we hide it from others

We don't want to share our darkness

There is a solace in this abyss

The lonely pained teen that plasters a smile to

Keeping parents at bay

The stole worthy family man

Who can't show he is fallible

The dutiful wife

Afraid of being called an unworthy mother

All of these are our lies to hide

The fear where our darkness resides.

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