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It all started with a long drive. I was with my mom and dad, happy. Now I was stuck in an unhappy Reformatory, called Gekkko Academy. What I would give to be back in my parent's embrace. One stupid mistake and poof! I'm here. Seemed like magic at the time. Now I understand how irrational the train of thought was. Magic does not exist, and even if it did, it would not be used to send some kid to boarding school. And even if you still believed in magic, which was absolutely immature, the school had no tolerance to magic or anything really childish.

I can't act like a kid. I already wasn't doing so great on the social ladder, I don't need it to be any harder. Information gets around fast you know. And acting like an oblivious idiot would get me nowhere. The student body had two parts to it. One, the standard kids, the normal ones. Two, the weird ones who stand out like a sore thumb. I, for one, would rather be a part of the former of the groups. To be a normal high schooler with a small group of friends. And that's exactly where I stand right now, how wonderful.

The things that keep people sane in these trying times are the ones who talk to you in class. Right now I had no one talking to me. My friends, sadly, are on the other side of the classroom. The class was and still is monotonous. The boredom conspired to kill me.

The only thing that keeps me sane without anyone to talk to are my classmates. They're quite Interesting. They moved almost synthetically. Their movements all calculated, but to be fair mine are too. But you could still see that shred of humanity. well, everyone except for the headmistress, Madam. She did not tell us her real name. Though our parents probably know. All we know is that she is from France. Madam had a very thick accent. And when she gets mad, she would yell at us In French, it always made me flinch. I wasn't a skittish kid at all, but her presence always made me a bit nervous. Madam just had that, you know, spark.

But I've met other people with that spark too. So she's not really that special, if you think about it. Only a piece in my story, irrelevant. The only person that matters is me! If I died my story is over. It might not matter to other people. In their story I am but an extra. I don't matter to them, so they don't matter to me. The only people who ever mattered to me a little bit are my best friends! Ami and Anna. All my troubles seemed to fly away when they are here. We are a little group, but that's how I prefer it anyway, less to stress about.

The annoying leeches are always getting in trouble! At some point, they're going to kill me. but I love um! they're my best friends. I don't know what I would do without them. I would be all alone again. And that is not an option! I will protect them with my life, and that is a statement. But of course, I will never have to do that. We are safe but stuck here in this school. I hate being in silents. It gives me too much room to think. The only sound is of a lecture playing in the background of my thoughts. My teacher (Mr. Brenson) has the most boring voice possibly.

I would love to be in bed about now, it would cause me great joy. But nope, I'm stuck listening to this guy! At least he was somewhat helping with the thought problem, clogging my brain with useless information. Less room for unneeded thinking. But at last it was not enough to stop my thoughts, Letting the bad ones creep inside.

Gekkko Academia Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя