Age is Just a Number Part 1

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"Somehow" the topic of birthdays had made its way into the Guardians discussion.  Something Jack tried to avoid (for obvious reasons).

Jack was sitting on the counter, leaning on his staff.  Tooth had seated herself on the floor next to the globe.  Bunny was leaning against a wall, playing with his boomerang.  While North was relaxing in a chair eating yet another plate of cookies the elves had just brought him.

Jack had just come back from visiting Jamie and Sophie. 

A few hours before:

"I'm going to go surprise Jamie and Sophie" Jack had told the Guardians when he was questioned about him about to leave.  While the other Guardian took a second to process and form a response, Jack discreetly flew out of the skylight.

He had come back to see the Guardians lounging around, but clearly waiting for him.

"Jack! Now that your back, you can tell us what the surprise was." North said with big eyes, as soon a Jack sat down.
When Jack stayed quiet, Bunny spoke, "Yeah mate, what did your do with those little ankle-biters?"

Jack rubbed the back of his neck and sighed.  "Today was Sophie's birthday, and Jamie thought that I could surprises her for it, make it a little more special," He said.

The Guardians all smiled, giving signs of understanding.  "How old did she turn today?" Tooth asked, looking curiously at Jack.  Jack smiled, thinking of how happy and exited Sophie was when he surprised her. "Sophie turned 3 today," Jack said quietly, though they could still hear him.

"Only 3?" Bunny exclaimed. "The little ankle-biter's not even half a decade old yet!" Bunny laughed out.

This made Jack think.  He had only been a little over a decade and a half when he'd died.
Sandy had noticed Jacks slight change in mood, though he didn't say anything about it.

Tooth noticed Sandy look at Jack after what Bunny had said. "I just realized," Tooth said, catching everyone's attention, "We don't actually know how old you are Jack."
"Oh?" Jack asked, acting oblivious.
"She's right," Bunny realized, "How old are you Jack?"

Jack gave a mischievous grin. "Guess," Jack leaned back waiting.
"You don't look older than between around, 18 - 23 I'd guess," said North, staring at Jack, who just shrugged in respawns. "But I'd say your no older than about 100-150 or so."
The other Guardians nodded in agreement.

Jack look slightly offended, then burst out laughing.  The other Guardians where now confused, though they were happy to hear their youngest member's laughter.
Jack shook(eth) his head, wiping a tear that had turned to ice from his face.

"Then how old are you mate?" Bunny asked, tilting his head slightly to pear at Jack.
The winter spirit's smile fell.

Jack took a breath. "Well..." He began. The others listened intently. "I died when I was 17, and that was in the 17th century, so I'm about 300 years old now," Jack said a little fast.
"Yo-you died?" Tooth asked, flying up suddenly, looking at Jack sadly.
"Yeah..." Jack said with confusion. "Didn't you guys?  I - I thought - I thought that's how you became a guardian or whatever."

Tooth shook her head slowly and looked at the ground.  "Manny asked us if we wanted to be Guardians.  We've always been alive, technically." (besides when Pitch killed Sandy) North told him.

"Oh" Jack said, tightening his grip on his staff and pulling his knees to his chest, wrapping his arms around them. "I didn't get to choose, no one asked ME anything," Jack whispered to himself.

Sandy shook Jack a little, then pointed to Jack, and showed him a thumbs up then a question mark.
"What?  Oh, I'm fine Sandy," Jack stated, trying to convince himself more than anyone. "I'm fine," he whispered.

The pole was starting to get colder, and everyone became aware of it, save for Jack, who at the moment was lost in his own thoughts.

Jack suddenly looked up, then around at everyone else, and noticed that most of them look cold or were shivering.  He then realized he was most likely the cause, as he was the spirit of winter, and in other words, cold.

He stood quickly, and the room slowly started to warm back up.  "Sorry," Jack said quietly, but loud enough for them to hear him, then he flew out of the sky light before anyone could stop him.

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