"What??, You are getting married?" Jimin yelled.

"No, I am not getting married. It's my obeoji who wants me to get married" He corrected.

"What did you say to Appa?" Tae asked him in low voice without looking at him and continued to eat from his bowl.

"Uhh umm, ofcourse I said no" Jin fumbled.

"Why?" Hobi asked

"Why means, how can he get married so soon?" Jimin stated.

"What do mean?, can't he?, Sonner or later everyone will get married" Hobi stated.

"Who is the girl by the way" Yoongi asked

"Appa's childhood friend's daughter. I don't even remember her name." Jin rolled up his eyes and trying to remember her name while spoon hanging in his mouth.

"I don't want you to marry her" JK reclined and folded his arm with stern face.

Jin leaned backward and laughed his lung out by looking at Jungkook's expression, "Why??"

"I ..I just can't imagine that you will live with her and not with us any longer" He said with same position but expression changed to pout.

"This is not like I am marrying tomorrow" He wiped his tears from corner of eyes while calming himself from laughing.

By then Tae finished his food and stood up and left for his room without saying a word. Everyone looked at him even JK noticed, "But still Hyung, lot of things will be changed if you get engaged. I won't like it. You won't be mine anymore." He said pulling his face down.
"Okay, but what will I do when you will all get married, I will be old enough that no one will marry me by then. I will left alone" Jin said.

"Okay let's make a deal then. You wait till I found someone to marry. And after that I will wait for you to find someone to marry with you. And if you will not be able to find anyone, I will break up with my girlfriend and will be with you forever"

Everyone laughed at Jungkook's stupid deal.

After wrapping up everything Jin took see off from everyone, "I will came back by tomorrow night, okay? Take care boys, and remember Hyung loves you" Jin gave flying kiss.

"Jin Hyung please take care, drive safe" RM said

"Take care Jinhyung, have a safe and comfortable journey. Drive slow and come back soon" JK told

Everyone greeted him and hugged him, Jin was making slow purposefully expecting Taehyung to come before he leaving but he didn't showed up. He knew somewhere that Tae was upset with him. Finally he left towards parking with showing fake smile on his face.
He sighed, brush his hair by his fingers, opened the car door and sat down..while tieing a seat belt, he was talking with himself something irrelevant in a very low voice that anyone could barely listen. He startled from his thoughts when someone opened car door. He looked up and saw Taehyung. He sat on Passenger seat. Jin found himself smiling and this time it wasn't fake. "Tae, where were you?"

"I was getting ready" He said and stretch the seat belt to buckle up.
"What...what are you doing?" Jin asked him confusingly.

"Trying to buckle me up"

"But why?"

"Because this is the major traffic rule" He adjust himself to sit comfortably

Jin click his tongue, "what are you doing Tae"

"I am going with you" He stated.

"No..you are kidding" He said unbelievably

"No I am not kidding"

"Tae, you can not go"
"yes I can"

"don't be stubborn Tae!! I am heading home"

"I know" he paused,"Why?" he looked at him,"Can't you take me home?, will Appa and Eomma be upset if I go with you?"

"No Tae, they like you. And will be definitely glad to see you but I am not going there for vacation, there is some serious topic that I have to deal with"

Tae was silent for a moment. Jin was looking at him, "Tae?... are you listening"

"Hyung", he looked up to make eye contact," I will listen to you..."


"...Everything" he continued, "I will listen everything whatever you ask me to do but don't Stop me following you atleast till you get married"

"Tae?..." Jin sounded helpless

"Hyung.. I.., whatever decision you will take I will accept. I will respect your decision. But till then please give me your love, even if it's fake, I will cherish it till my last breath. I promise I won't hurt myself but please let me gather some more memories with you" He sniffled and stopped. He looked away trying to control his tears from falling. He could feel that Jin was still looking at him. He closed his eyes facing his side window. He found himself at ease when he finally heard sound of engine start.

No one was talking, only melody of song could be heard.
"Have you told to boys about your whereabouts?" Jin spoke to break the silence.

"Not yet" He smiled just to show Jin that he was fine.

"Tell them, they must be worried for not finding you"

"Hyung, I have a phone, they would have called me till now if they were searching for me"

"Okay!! So you are waiting for them to call?" He said sarcastically.

"No..I will text in our group but after we cross the city. What if they call you to stop and one of them started sulking and asked you take him as well with us. My road date will be ruined."

"What are they?,  Kids? to behave like that?. No one will do that, they are not KIM TAEHYUNG". Jin laughed, "Only you can do that" He said with smoky voice by giving a glance at him who was looking at front road.

Jin will not admit but he was happy, happy inside out, happy that there is someone who is with him to cover the travel distance. He is not in any confusion anymore, he wants to cross each and every path of his life with that someone. Because of him these roads now seems to be more better than destination.


✔️ Fix you Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon