Chapter 2: Book

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Tanaka: "But still!! He's a Knight! A real Knight! Isn't that still awesome??" 

Kageyama nodded vigorously in agreement!

Keishin sighs heavily then shook his head "You don't get it"

"Captain! Heres the book!"

Daichi ran towards Keishin and handed the book over to him. Keishin took it and then flipped the pages.

He widened his eyes in shock then covered his mouth...

"Oh my Sun...."

Keishin looks at Daichi in disbelief..

"Where the hell did your Father get a hold of this??!"

Daichi tilted his head. "Huh??"

"Where the hell did he find this book?!"

"Oh...He told me he just found it lying beside a lake. It was wet, but good thing this book seems waterproof..?....Why?"

Keishin bit his bottom lip. "...This book was written by Edgar Marivaldi, a famous swordsmaster and martial artist...I heard it was stolen, but what the hell is it doing in this place??.."

"Woah?! Are you talking about...THE Edgar Marivaldi?!" Tanaka exclaimed in shock..

Keishin nodded "I certainly am"

"This is amazing and all, but, why is an amazing book like this here in this place? Isn't this a very old book?" Yanaguchi asks while observing the book.

Keishin nodded "Yeah it is, that famous swordsman wrote this book a hundred years ago."

"Huh?! A hundred years ago?!" Nishinoya shouted in shock.

"Thats pretty long!" Tanaka also shouted.

"Yeah, I know. But oh well! Aren't we lucky? Hahaha!" Keishin laughed in glee as he flipped through the pages in the book.

"Nishinoya and Tanaka, call everyone to gather in the training area! Its time to learn some real skills!"

"Yes Captain!" Tanaka and Nishinoya saluted then ran away.

"Huh? We're going to learn those skills now Head Captain Ukai??" Yamaguchi sweatdrops.

"Of course! We have to! What if someone takes the book away? That would be very regretful and unfortunate." Kageyama stated in seriousness.

"I agree to what Kageyama said" Daichi nodded. "I mean...This is a once in a life time experience and we cannot miss it."

"Well, I understand..."

Keishin: "Kekekekekekekeke"
—Knock knock

"Emperor, dinner has been served."

A rustle can be heard in the Emperor's office, the person that was laying his head down on the table rised, and the papers scattered on the floor.

He was dazed for a moment then replied with a listless tone in his honey like voice that can seduce anyone.

"Thank you.."

The butler slightly blushed, even though he just heard the Emperor's voice...He can't help but feel shy.

The Emperor dismissed the butler and stood up from his chair with a yawn..
Working from day to night really is tiring, he must get his beauty sleep later..

He walked out from his office and got greeted by a Knight guarding his front door.

"I greet the Sun Emperor." The Knight with dark olive air bowed his head.

Shoyo simply nodded his head without batting an eye and walked along the halls towards the dining table to eat.

The Knight didn't mind and just followed the Emperor.

He has been appointed by the higher ups to be the Emperor's bodyguard since there were lot of assassination attempts.

He was happy to be by the Emperor's side because he has always dreamed of doing this when he was younger, and now it came true.

He looks at the back of the Emperor's head, his orange bright hair swaying from side to side as he walks elegantly and confidently.

Very majestic.

The Knight with dark olive hair thought in admiration.
To Be Continued

Manju: Thank y'all for reading!~

Narrator-kun: Thank you for reading.

Assistant-san: Thanks for reading!

Have a great day/evening everyone!

Emperor's Knights | ʰⁱⁿᵃᵗᵃ ʰᵃʳᵉᵐ | DISCONTINUED |Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz