Chapter 14 - Scared

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Avn : A.adi.tya

Sid : Shhhh it's Siddharth

Just then Avneet wake up in a jerk. She was sweating a lot.

Avn: What the fuck .

She put her hand on her chest to calm her down.

Avn : Why am having such nightmare .

She got up from her bed and went near the window which was wide open. She felt a cool breeze on her face.

Avn : Why my heart is beating so much.  Why am feeling am missing something.🥺Did really something like that happened that day or its just a nightmare . 😟ugggggggg (pull her hair)Why I am not able to remember anything ............................................................................

                 Shhhhhh relax Avneet (close her eyes & open it)........ What am I thinking  . Well That's was so disgusting Avneet.  What was you dreaming............ Aditya is not like any other boy . I know I know him for just a month but I trust him.🙂 He's such a gentleman. I feel lucky to have him in my life  .......................................In this one month he has care and love me so much that my so called father love is nothing before him. I have loved my father since I was a kid . But never got that attention from him that I have got from Aditya......................🙂(cross her hand to her chest) I can't never suspect him but 🙁





The next day

(Nigam's office)

(Nigam's office)

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Avn : What is your name

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Avn : What is your name.😐

Sid : 😶🤨.......... Are you fine my lady .

Avn : Yes , but what is your name.

Sid(come closer to her) : Don't tell me you forgot my name this soon 😏. That night you were moaning my name badly now you don't know.

Avn(blushed)(look down): I.i m.mean . Just t.tell . Is it Aditya or Siddharth (look  in his eyes)

Sid😏: (whispered in her ears) Hmm

Avn : 😳  Uggg . Okay (push him a little far) Stop teasing me and said.

Sid(smile) : Okay my little tomato......... My name is Siddharth Aditya Nigam.

Avn : 😶 Why you have two names.

Sid : Ohhh it's my mother who had name me Siddharth and my father Aditya.  That's why I used both name. 😉.......

Avn(relieved)  : Ohhhh

Siddharth pulled her by her waist again and stare in her eyes.

Sid😐 : Why you were asking this.

Avn(nervous): Ohhh.hh . nothing it's just yesterday I had remember that you had said your name Siddharth then Aditya . I was confused. That's it.(Fake a laugh)

Sid(chuckle): You know your very bad at lying.

Avn😶: No I mean am saying the truth.

Avn(mind): You mean half truth............
Avn(inner mind): Shut up

Sid(peck her lips): If you said so. But we will definitely talk to that later.

Avn(smile): yup

Sid : Meet me in the parking in 30 minutes,  we are going somewhere. 😉

Avn(smile): Sure

Avneet get out of the cabin while thinking.  She was feeling scared and restless.  She felt something was wrong somewhere but she don't know what .

Sid side/pov

Sid(on call): We must do something very fast. I think she started to doubt .


End of Chapter 14

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