'' This heart of mine keeps asking me every moment why it is so loyal to you? Why my heart desire for you is the strongest than anything else? Why my lips utter only your name? why there the burning desire to be your lover? I want to drink all your tear drops and fill you with my comfort. Everyday of my life, I want to love you and keep staring at path for you to come. I want to keep you safe in my arms. Everything I speak is only about you. This affection of yours has possessed me. I didn't realise when my soul selected you.

Both of their hearts were beating erratically. The brunette's eyes were showing that he was saying everything from the depth of his heart. The blue haired boy felt like he was living a dream, a dream from which he never want to wake up, A dream he want to live for the rest of his life, A dream which he want to cherish even after his death. He couldn't believe that the person he loves is saying all these words to him.

You are a mirror and I am reflection, so why think, I have to attain you after being lost. Waking up my destiny, defeating every world, I have made you as my life......Tae?....Will you give me a chance to love you everyday, a chance to hold you close to my heart, a chance to be yours, a chance to say to the world that you are mine......only mine.

Tears filled in the blue haired boy's eyes. His heart swell at the other's loving words. He wanted to shout, to scream that he is his, from a very long time. He has loved the brunette not from now, from the day when he himself didn't knew what is love?......He thought he loved JK....But his heart says otherwise. His heart says that kookie was always somewhere there.....Deep in his heart. He wanted to say so many things but no words came out of his mouth.

The brunette was standing there waiting for the blue haired boy's answer. He was so nervous that he was freaking inside. He don't want to get rejected from the love of his life. Every passing second was making him panic inside. He was searching Taehyung's eyes for his answer and those pearly drops of water in the blue haired boy's eyes was somewhere giving his heart hopes, Hopes that he will be accepted, hopes that he will be given a chance, hope that may be Taehyung also love him, even if it is just a bit.

The blue haired boy tried to speak but he was so overwhelmed by the emotions that he couldn't do anything other than nodding his head in approval. The brunette's face lit up at the other's silent agreement. He felt like he had conquered the world. The blue haired boy's lips were trembling in happiness.

The brunette couldn't control himself anymore so he leaned. He leaned to capture those trembling lips. Their lips meet for the first time and a spark of comfort ran through their body. Their eyes closed at the amazing feeling of each other's lips. It was a pure kiss without any sign of lust. They both poured their love into it.

The audience got wild and they started cheering happily. The curtains fell down and the two people in the audience were so happy for their best friends. Jimin was jumping and shouting like crazy. He was so happy for his bestie that he didn't realise when tears rolled down his cheeks and Yoongi was just smiling looking at the jumping and excited Mochi.

Their lips were moving on each other's lips oh so softly taking in the wonderful feeling of being so close to each other. Their tears mingled on their cheeks and they didn't notice the fallen curtain. They pulled away from each other and smiled contentedly still holding each other.

'' I love you Tae....'' Jungkook said poking his nose in the other's cheek who blushed.

''I love you too......Kookie.....'' Taehyung said the last part to himself.

Sarah and the other crew also came on the stage and surrounded them. They all cheered and congratulated the new couple who were feeling like they are the most lucky persons to have their love with them for the rest of their life. Jimin and Suga also came back stage and hugged both of them. While Yoongi was just smiling, Jimin was behaving like he had gone crazy.

'' Taetae.....I knew it that you deserve the most romantic confession. He is Just perfect.'' Jimin said to his friend hugging him so tightly.

'' He is perfect......and only mine'' Taehyung said and both the best friends laughed.




It was the best day of their life for both of them.


Promise fulfilled.

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Tell me how you feel about their confession.

I purple you💜

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