Alfred's Birthday

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Hi guys! This is a really quite write and its pretty random. 

Characters belong to DC Universe and whoever the Ladybug people are, but the plot is mine, with inspiration from others. Enjoy

Marinette was raging. How dare they?

She was visiting her boyfriend Damien Wayne at their manor in Paris, when she discovered it was a certain Englishman's birthday.

Now she doesn't know about the rest of the world, but everyone she knows tends to look after people on their birthday.

Arriving at the mansion she went in search of her boyfriend, only to find Alfred cleaning the living room after what looked to be another typical family brawl.

Attempting to hide her seething, the girl examined the house, looking for the family, only finding even more messes that the men didn't seem capable of cleaning up.

Her anger barely containable, she felt her emotions taking control of her. As she was in the process of reining them in, she had an idea.

Quickly she told Tikki her plan. Somewhat reluctantly, yet partly delighted at the plan, Tikki agreed.

Gabriel Agreste was going about a perfectly normal day, searching for negative emotions to turn into monsters, when suddenly some of the strongest emotions he had ever felt appeared. Whilst unable to find the reason for such displeasure, he could not pass up such a golden opportunity.

"Hello Righteous Anger. I am Hawkmoth. I am here to help you seek revenge on those you have wronged you. In return all I ask is the Miraculous of the ladybug and black cat. Do you agree?"

"Yes, Hawkmoth."

The man felt an immense surge of pleasure at finally akumatising the one person out of his reach, Marinette Dupain-Cheng.

The clear sky was soon covered in downcast clouds. Bewildered pedestrians looked all around them, wondering where they came from. Wind swept through the trees, blowing at any loose item. Holding on to their possessions the people outdoors did the only sane thing to do at such a moment. They went inside.

Traversing through the sky on clouds to the Eiffel tower was Marinette, only her name was now Righteous Anger. Arriving at her destination Righteous Anger waved her hand and all the screens in Paris turned on.

"People of Paris. I am Righteous Anger."

Back in the Wayne manor the family (Minus Alfred who was still cleaning) gathered to watch this new Akuma. As they watched the evil speech that each Akuma had to have, they noticed something about this Akuma. Forgoing listening to the actual speech they focused on the object of their interest. It was a necklace. That must be where the akuma was hidden, but there was only one person they knew with that necklace and she never took it off.


Ignoring the pounding wind they grabbed their coats and rushed to the eiffel tower.

Arriving they quickly noticed the silhouette of their friend. She was wearing a knee length black dress with white frills at the end. The sleeves came to her wrists, where they formed into white cuffs. Tied around her waist to cover the front of her costume was a starched white apron, complete with ruffles over the shoulders. To finish the look she had a maids cap on.

Sensing something behind her the girl turned around and smiled happily at them.

"Ah, Paris they are finally here!" She seemingly delighted exclaimed. "The very people he got me akumatised!"

To say the Waynes were confused was an understatement.

What had they done?

She was fine yesterday?

Did Damien forget an anniversary?

Why was she so happy?

Had she given her earrings to Hawkmoth?

Did somebody drug my coffee again?

The rest of Paris shared the men's bewilderment. What on earth had the WAYNES done to anger somebody?

Waiting with bated breath, Paris leaned forward in their seats.

"They shall be severely punished, by doing exactly what they forced others to do."

A flash emitted from the teen and developed her present watchers. Once the light had cleared each man was dressed in an elegant English tuxedo, which just continued to perturbed viewers. They began pondering when their heroes would show.

"I am afraid Ladybug is incapable of helping you today, for she has been compromised!"

Chaos ran throughout households, questioning who would save them.

Continuing on Righteous Anger snapped her fingers and both the camera's and the Wayne's had been moved to the manor (With Alfred still cleaning).

"Now I will tell you what the Waynes have done wrong to anger me so much. For those who do not know, the Waynes have a butler. It is said butler's birthday and as you can all see, he is still cleaning as if it were any other normal day."

Guiltily, the reasons for such rage looked around and saw all she said to be true.

"Now they are going to clean the whole house so there is not a speck of dust in sight." Proclaimed the consumed woman.

The Waynes exchanged glances of horror. None had ever cleaned at all. Then one brave man spoke up.

"Pixie Pop, don't you-"

"My name is Righteous Anger, not Pixie Pop."

"Umm, right. Ah, Righteous Anger, don't you think you overdoing it a bit? Can't you just snap your fingers and clean the house yourself?"

Irked at the idea, Marinette answered. "For grown men you are all incompetent. You must learn to do things yourself. Now, CLEAN."

Buckets and mops, soaps and sponges and every imaginable item needed for cleaning appeared. With hurried nods and a few quiet 'Yes, Righteous Anger' the ashamed family began cleaning.

Satisfied that they would listen to her, Righteous Anger once more snapped her fingers and the camera's disappeared.

All in all that day was a great success for her. After the vigilant in there civilian clothes had completed the de-dusting and polishing the entire house, Righteous Anger broke the control Hawkmoth had over her, retrieved the two lost miraculous, rejected the akuma for Tikki to eat before then announcing to Paris that it was now Villain free.

That night while snuggling with her boyfriend, Marinette sighed with contentment. This is what she wanted. A loving family, the weight of her shoulders to be gone, and Alfred to have his justice.

The end.

Remember you are loved and treasured by many including me. Message if you want to talk

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