20 ~ The Accident

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"You don't have to, T," I responded smiling, "It's only a few blocks away, if I start walking now, I'll be there on time."

"Okay, go!" Tianna grumbled and pulled the blankets back over her head.

If this happened a couple of weeks ago, Reilly would have been upset with Tianna and her interesting way of showing she cares. But, today Reilly feels more confident to take on the outside world by herself, she survived 1 week outside, she can survive 30 minutes surely.

She grabbed her bag, popped in her earphones and started confidently down the road. Her thoughts drifted off towards Blake and Tyler, wondering what if and how things could have been. She could still recall the weight of both of them on top of her and for the life of her, he couldn't choose who she preferred there. They were like night and day, one evoking calm, the other excitement.

Maybe the fact that the choice was being made for her bothered her a bit, and having things with Blake left unresolved made her think more about him hat she ought to.

"Oh my God!" a voice shouted as a body slammed into her. Car breaks screeched. Reilly tumbled across the road and scraped her knees.

"You really shouldn't be walking down the road with earphones in," the person said as she helped Reilly up off the street, "next time it will be more than just your knees."

Reilly was still processing how she could be alive when she heard a familiar voice behind her.


Reilly turned around slowly and held her breath.

"Reilly, I cannot believe I almost killed you!" Blake roared as he got out of his red sports car, "Are you okay?"

"Are you still engaged?" Reilly finally squeaked.

"Uh, for the moment, not really," he answered softly.

"What does that even mean?"

"It means that the engagement has been put on hold for a while," he smiled, "What are the chances of running into you?"

"Quite literally I might add," Reilly laughed.

"Let's go get some coffee and then we can see about your leg," Blake asked hopefully.

"I have class," Reilly responded picking up her book bag.

"Let me give you a ride then and you can use the first aid kit in my car to fix your knees before you get out?"

"Okay," Reilly said softly and put her bag in the car.

By the time Reilly cleaned her knees, the car had already pulled into the university parking lot. She looked up at the big building looming over them and thought about how long it will take for her to walk to her first class. She looked down at her watch and then to Blake and sighed.

"One coffee," She murmured.

"Don't sound so excited," he grumbled as he pulled out of the driveway and drove to the cafe a few blocks down.

"So?" Reilly asked expectantly after they settld down in a corner booth. The heat of the coffee was radiating through her body, calming her fried nerves.

"I missed you," he said as he covered her hands with his. The fireworks were still there. Reilly turned her hands in his and she could feel the electricity flickering between their fingers.

Blake took advantage of the opening and ran his hand up Reilly's arm. Her eyes closed as she fought the sensation. Her mind clouded with memories of heated kisses. Touches. Fantasies.

Pages and pages of fantasies written about the man in front of her. His beard causing a tingling sensation where ever his mouth traveled. Deep. Dark. Desirable. All words describing every detail of sex Reilly wrote about. Read about. Dreamed about.

"Your engagement-"

"It's off."

"Then take me to your place," Reilly breathed. She didn't recognize her voice, but followed the man that pulled on each of her strings as he pulled her out of the coffee shop.

Neither of them noticed the other man with silver eyes that stood and watched the scene unfold. One heart-wrenching moment at a time.

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