Chapter 42: Soigne

Beginne am Anfang

"It's tonight and it only happens once a year! It's basically an excuse for these egotistical mafia men to show off their wealth," Lorelei scoffed as she smirked at Nicolo.

"None of that is true, cara," Emersyn said as she smiled at me.

"It's a charity event that we host for our closest allies from around the world and we help each other by donating money to those that need it," Emersyn clarified.

"We would love to have you with us if you would like to join," she said with a soft smile.

"Mamma, non è sicuro," Nicolo groaned lowly as he looked at her (It's not safe).

"Oh, Nico..." Lorelei sighed.

"...wouldn't you prefer to have her under your sight at all times throughout the night. I mean, what if Romano's men break into the estate while you're away at the charity event?" she taunted as she placed her chin into the palm of her hand.

"Would you like to come with us?" Nicolo asked with a sigh as he turned towards me.

"I would love to," I said and gasped when Lorelei suddenly engulfed me in a hug.

"Stai attento, Lorelei," Nicolo said as Lorelei rolled her eyes at him (Be careful).

"Thank you so much, Arabella! I promise you won't regret tonight, meet me in my room once you're ready, yeah?" she said as she stood up from the stool and ran up the stairs.

"I don't have a dress," I said as I looked up and saw Emersyn with a wide grin across her face as she gazed at Nicolo.

"Come with me," Nicolo said as he took my hand and guided me towards his room.

"I ordered this dress for you right before we left for the winery," he said as he handed me a white box.

I unlaced the ribbon from the box and lifted the lid to find a beautiful lavender colored dress. I pulled it out and held it in front of me as I felt the chiffon fabric between my fingers. It was a sweetheart neckline dress and had short sleeves that draped down the shoulders. My eyes trailed down the dress and saw that the floor length gown had a slit that started just above the knee.

"The dress is beautiful, Nicolo. Thank you," I said as I held it close to my chest.

"You will have a few more hours to get ready, we'll leave at night," Nicolo said to me as he smiled before leaving the room.

Time passed on as a few minutes turned into hours, day turned into dusk , and the sun gave way for the moon to conquer the sky. I ran my hands along my waist, feeling the dress as it hugged my curves and flowed down elegantly towards the floor.

The last rays of the setting sun shined through the window and casted a glow on my natural face as I refrained from wearing makeup tonight. I looked tired, drained, weak, but it's moments like this where I felt the most alive. Nicolo had given me everything I ever wanted, I am almost foolish enough to turn a blind eye to the reason why my life took a turn for the worse.

"Arabella!" Lorelei sang my name as she entered through the bedroom door with Viv and Ilaria closely behind her.

"Why are you getting dressed in the dark? I thought I told you to meet me in my room!" she said as she flipped on the lights and made her way towards me.

"Who knew that under all of those layers of black clothing, Nico had a sense of style," Ilaria said as she admired the dress that Nicolo bought me.

"It is a really beautiful dress," I muttered as I turned to her with a grin.

"Hmm, no makeup?" Lorelei asked.

"Bold choice, but you're still the prettiest person Nico has been with!"

"Will Eva be coming with us?" I blurted out.

"Arabella, don't worry about the woman that can't match the color of her foundation with her neck," Lorelei said as she rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"She flew back to Rome once she realized she wouldn't be getting anything from Nico. She always just wanted him for his money."

"And, she was never really nice like how you are with us," she mumbled sadly.

"But, anyway, since Nico thinks of you so highly, I suppose I could lend you my diamond necklace for the night," she said as she began to place my hair to one side of my shoulder.

"Diamonds?" I gasped as I felt the cold necklace touch my skin.

"Yes, real diamonds," she said as she clasped the priceless piece of jewelry around my neck.

"Thank you, Lorelei," I said, brining my fingertips towards the precious gemstone.

"You look beautiful, Bella," Viv said from behind.

"And so do you! Will you help me put this on?" I asked her with a smile as I held up the black opal bracelet she gifted me.

"You still have it?" she gasped out surprised as she made her way towards me with a wide grin.

"Yes, of course, it's perfect," I said once she placed it around my wrist.

The sound of our heels clicking against the stone stairs echoed throughout the foyer. Nicolo's men and the guards of the estate chatted amongst themselves as they waited to leave for the venue. I scanned the crowd below me, searching for Nicolo, but Emersyn caught my attention as she made her way towards me.

"Arabella, sei perfetta stasera," Emersyn said as she clasped her hands together (You look perfect tonight).

"Nico wanted me to give this to you before we leave for tonight," she said as she handed me a new phone.

"Oh, thank you, Emersyn," I said as I gazed at it in my hand, wondering how Nicolo is so quick to purchase these new and expensive gifts.

"Everyone looks so beautiful. This is the first time we've gotten everyone together for the charity, sometimes I wish these moments would last forever," she said as she gazed at the people around us.

"We could take a picture," I offered as I looked at our reflection through the large mirror in the foyer that stretched out from wall-to-wall and reached from floor to ceiling.

"You want me to take a picture of you?" she asked.

"No, we can take a picture with everyone," I chuckled.

"Did I hear someone say pictures?" Lorelei yelled out.

"Oh! A mirror selfie?" Lorelei asked excitedly as she walked towards us, dragging Manny alongside with her. I gestured Ilaria and Viv to come join us as a wide smile came across my face once I spotted Nicolo.

"We're going to take a picture," I said as I looked up at him.

"I'll meet you in the car then," he said as he began to walk away.

"No, you're going to be in it!" I laughed as I grabbed his hand and walked back towards everyone that gathered by the mirror.

"Just smile, you know how to do that, right?" I asked him playfully as he glared back at me. He suddenly wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me in closer, but I nudged him with my elbow once I felt his hand start to trail down from my hips.

"Dante, come join us!" I called out to him when I noticed he was missing from the group.

"Oi, is this shit a video? My cheeks fucking hurt," Manny exclaimed as he tried to keep his wide smile.

I took a picture once everyone began to laugh at Manny's comment. I gazed at my phone and smiled as everyone in the photograph appeared to be happy. This was not a façade for the most dangerous mafia organization in Italy, instead, it was simply a group of people who enjoyed being in the presence of one another, who loved each other, a family.

Author's Note:

Hello Friends,

Short but cute chapter! I'm excited for this upcoming ball scene, what about you guys?

-Love, A

P.S. Group mirror selfies are the best.

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