Part 1; Impulsivity - 3. A Familiar Presence

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The pale grey walls loomed over me, the air around me stifling. The silence of the room was deafening. The waiting drove me insane. Mr Banner had called me to his office, had told me that my twin sister who had been adopted out at birth was now enrolled, and asked if I could take care of her. I had to feign innocence, pretend the news of my sister was a shock. It wasn't that hard; a week after his meeting with the Scientists, and I still hadn't completely come to terms with the fact that I would be meeting my sister so soon. He had left soon after, and told me to wait in his office until he returned with his new student.

It had been ten minutes. Surely it doesn't take that long to get her. I thought to myself.

I don't know, Sera, he sure loves to dawdle.

I flinched. "Calliope!" I hissed.

At the back of the Principal's office, the door of a cupboard creaked open, and the younger girl stuck her head out. "Hey."

"What are you doing here?!" I asked exasperatedly.

She shrugged. "I'm curious about this twin sister of yours."

"How did you even get in there?" I asked, then I paused. "You know what, I don't even want to know. Jesus, Calliope! What if you get caught?"

Better keep your voice down then. She said in my head. Behind me, she slowly shut the cupboard door.

I'll never get used to this. I thought, turning back to the front of the office. Is David there too?

I could almost feel Calliope shaking her head. When he realised out hiding spot was a small-sized cupboard, he opted out. As if anyone would choose math over this.

Believe it or not, some people actually have common sense. I told her.

Meaning some people have zero sense of adventure.

I rolled my eyes. This is getting ridiculous. Where could they even be?

Why don't you find out? You're an Untouchable, remember? Go on. See if you can find them.

I sighed, and felt my eyes slide closed. I focused on my energy, feeling it running through my body, the blood flowing through my veins, the thoughts flickering through my mind. I silenced those thoughts, clearing my mind. Then I widened my range. I could hear whispers of thoughts clouding Calliope's mind at the back of the room. I could sense her energy, her excitement. I pushed further. Outside, there were two Androids manning the main desk at the administration sector. There was a drama class in the drama hall, searching for costumes. There were three or four brave students hanging around a locker, unbeknownst to the fact that a teacher was about to walk around the corner and find them out of class.

Back in the Principal's office, I heard Calliope; That's it. Keep going.

My concentration wavered, and I could feel myself slipping backwards, returning to the office. I squeezed my eyes shut tightly, standing my ground. My range steadied, then continued forward. I could feel David in his math class, his brain hazy. Oliver and Tia were in art, where I should have been, their minds a whirlwind of colour. The radius of my range expanded, and I felt a familiar presence in one of the classrooms, and flinched. Just who was that?

Perplexed, I pushed past the barrier of their mind, trying to decipher the whispered thoughts that clouded their brain. A slight pain appeared in my temple. I scrunched my eyes closed again, forcing my consciousness forward, trying to ignore the pain that was slowly growing harsher, enveloping my forehead, spreading behind my eyes. Before I knew what was happening, I was too far in. I felt the person jump, and my own body did the same.

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