Duo *R*

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Autumn was eternally gorgeous, as leaves descended from their boughs. This aurora I woke with more time to waste than the normal. I decided to go to the neighborhood coffee shop, to grab Ed and I coffee. I knew he hated surprises, but with the wind gust, I thought it would be a good treat. I ordered two mediocre steaming black coffees and traveled towards the GCPD. I managed to tiptoe my way into quiet office space. I saw him sitting in the corner with his face buried in one of his books that he didn't even notice my presence. I managed to stand directly in front of him without him even noticing me. Typical. I stifled a groan.

"Why is that, you never notice me gracing you with my presence until the last possible second?" I asked.

He flinched at my voice, but closed the book and placed it on the edge of his desk.

"What can be heard and caught but never seen?" he asked grabbing his coffee from my hand, in annoyance.

" A remark," I paused, "Are you okay?" I asked noticing his withdrawal from me.

I pulled over one of the stools and placed it at the end of his desk. I climbed on it and sat with my coffee warming my hands. My eyes peered down as I noticed all the scribbled marks on his desk. Simplistic riddles paired with dark green enigma marks followed. Some worried me about Edward, he was too caught up in his own little world with an extraordinary mind that I wondered if he was even human sometimes.

"Yes, I'm content, and I didn't need the drink," he said harshly, but still downed it.

"You can't spend all day in your isolated office shunning the general population. Now come downstairs we got a case" I managed to smile.

A man of fundamental manner, he placed his fake cheery smile on and followed silently behind me as he headed to the lobby. Eyes fell upon us, as they heard us coming. I heard Edward's pen click, and it's sketching across his pocket pad. He could have been a bat, with how he hear them without even being close. I'm frankly sure he could spend his day all in his office and solve numerous amount of cases without leaving. Even with the phone taps the GCPD did occasionally he could pinpoint faint noises.

Jim gave us a faint nod as we approached, "Thanks for joining us," he said with a just as fake smile as Eds'.

I tuned out as they spoke about the case, their voices faded into mumbled jumble as my eyes skimmed the file picking out facts from speculation. My body was positioned nearer to Jim then Ed, in front of Jim and Bullock we acted like strangers. Ed wanted it that way but never explained why. Perhaps he didn't want anyone to think he was familiar to anyone. Which was humorous because about here I was invisible, barely any persons who worked here knew my name or what my job position even was. An outcast, another face in a pool of nameless system of bees. That made Ed and I one of the same, no one cared what we did during work hours as long as work got done. I was convinced, I probably could have done most of the work at home if I could take my forensic equipment home.

They started talking about some sort of poison, which got my undivided attention. Out of the corner of my perception, I noticed Ed smiling. Toxicology fascinated us. We had a full shelf dedicated to it. Nearly completely, we had a book on every poison from another the world except for a couple from the dark ages.

"What is taller than trees, roots nobody sees, larger than life but can be the ender of it too?" Edward uttered.

"Ed... Cut the Crap, just tell us" Bullock grimaced.

Ed's eye twitched. His smile faded and his fingers became white from toughening his grip on his notebook.

It always caught me by astonishment how he could restrain himself from lashing out, Bullock always seemed to ignite Ed's short fuse. Bullock always derailed Ed's attempt to be kind.

Redacted Riddle |Edward Nygma|Where stories live. Discover now