“Baby?” Zayn asked as he bounced Niall a little trying to break the boy out of his trance. Niall looked scared and Zayn couldn’t blame him.

Niall looked at Zayn, he looked… concerned? Why would Zayn be concerned? Maybe because he didn’t know how he would break this to Niall. Well, Niall had enough experience to know how this worked, “It’s alright. I understand”

“Understand what love?” Liam asked as Zayn laid Niall down and he started to change the lad’s soiled nappy.

Niall sighed, “I’m sorry I screwed up”

Liam and Zayn were quick to reassure the teary lad. It took the rest of the day before Niall truly believed that the age play wouldn’t cease however no one was able to convince him that his intelligence was alright. Simon popped by the following day and gave it his best shot but even he had no success. Niall truly believed that they would stop loving him if he showed his true self.

The rest of their time in the country was… strange. Niall didn’t say much outside of interviews and concerts; it was reminiscent of the beginning, when they’d realized their mistakes. This time though instead of shying away from the boys and refusing help of any kind Niall was allowing the boys to do everything for him and he refused to be away from Liam or Zayn for more than ten minutes.

Niall no longer asked for alone time – ironically enough now that he didn’t want it Liam and Zayn were trying to encourage it because Dr. Collins had said it was good for him. Niall no longer showed any desire in feeding himself and pushed his fork towards Liam or Zayn instead. Niall wouldn’t let go of Stitch with the exception of bath time where he was given no choice (the stuffie remaining in a plastic bag whenever the boy was eating). One might view these changes as an improvement; Niall actually accepting the age play. In some ways it was, but more than anything it had the boys worried.

Niall didn’t play anymore. He didn’t show interest in anything other than Stitch, his dummy, Liam and Zayn. Niall had nightmares every time he slept unless either Liam or Zayn stayed with him the entire time. Niall wouldn’t speak to anyone other than the two boys and refused to say anything unless they were alone.

Dr. Collins said that Niall was going through severe separation anxiety and that it was made worse by the IQ test. He also mentioned that they should have waited until Niall was more comfortable but without knowing about the boy’s past it was a difficult decision to make. Unfortunately Niall absolutely refused to talk to Dr. Collins despite the man’s persistent tries. Eventually Dr. Collins suggested finding a new Dr. that Niall didn’t have any negative connotations towards – the IQ test had destroyed any possible chance of trust that Niall had with the man. Simon had promised then a new Dr. once they were on break seeing as they only had one more day anyhow.

The last day was simple enough. They had an early concert and then they were all loaded onto the plane. The boys would fly to the island of Rapa Nui or Easter Island, as it’s better known. Simon had purchased a vacation home for them there that was right up to their own private beach and was ten miles from the nearest town (five of those miles being their own property as well) in any direction.

The boys had climbed onto the plane quickly and had managed to get Niall to sit in his own seat during take off. The second the plane was fully in the air Niall unstrapped his seatbelt and bolted to Liam.

“Hey there little man” Liam greeted Niall as the lad made himself comfortable on Liam’s lap.

Niall looked around the cabin to make sure it was just him and his band mates before speaking up, “missed you Mummy” he said wrapping his arms around Liam.

That was another new thing; Niall was initiating almost all of the physical contact now. It’s not that the other boys wouldn’t do it; it’s just that Niall always beats them to the punch.

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