absolutely enraged

Comincia dall'inizio

As she guided us to our rounded booth, I slid in behind Sky, pulling her back to sit right up against me. The hostess kind of slammed down our menus and once again, by the grace of Skyler, she was saved.

But, yeah-- definitely fired.

"Your server will be right with you. Have a great meal."

Her voice was overly sweet and obviously sarcastic, but like I said I wasn't letting anything ruin my night with my baby girl.

I had already known more about this girl than she knew from reading her file, but as she told me about everything herself that night, I found myself falling for her even more.

I found myself growing more disgusted by the man who got her mother pregnant and left before Sky was even born and even angrier at the woman who chose drugs over her own daughter.

On paper, I knew her life had been rough, but hearing it firsthand from her was like a kick in the gut-- I couldn't believe there were people in the world who could ever think of mistreating my baby and all I wanted was to scorch the earth to find them just to make sure they all suffered.

She went on to talk about how she knew once she aged out of group homes she'd be on her own and how keeping up her grades for her scholarships was the most important thing for her and I smiled to myself, knowing there was nothing Skyler would ever have to need again.

Whatever it was, she'd never 'need' for it again.

I was gonna take care of her, and I couldn't wait to see the look on her face the first tie she realizes she doesn't have to worry anymore..

"And, dessert."

As I led Sky onto the cushy blanket fort set up on the grassy hill, the smooth sounds of the jazz band filled the air, and the warm summer breeze whipped past us.

There was a local weekly-summer music festival in the park and as we settled onto the blanket, I smirked a little, watching as Sky noticed all the things I had the guys set up for us earlier.

The enormous, black-plaid blanket was covered in red and white rose petals, held down by giant, soft-lit LED candles. There were more candles in the shape of a heart on the blanket, and in that heart, chocolate-covered strawberries and a bottle of champagne.

After settling in, I watched as Sky grabbed a strawberry, closing her eyes and moaning a little as the cold dark chocolate crunched against the strawberry when she bit into it.

At this point, ladies and gentlemen, it's been decided that this girl will in fact be the death of me.

I took a deep breath, almost snorting when she looked over at me with a smirk on her face.

"Ya know... I'm starting to think you might have planned this whole thing. What if I had said no?"

I relaxed a bit, shrugging and smiling as I focused on the way her right dimple popped a little bit more than the left one did when she was being playful.

I'm pretty sure my new favorite thing was looking at Sky and figuring out all of her little quirks.

My baby was absolutely goddamned adorable.

"Well, I never really gave you a choice."

She cocked her head at me and eyed me flirtatiously, smirking as she scrunched her nose.

"You're right-- you didn't. I should be mad..."

I noticed how as we were both propped up on our elbows facing each other, Sky was leaning in, and there was no way to ignore the way she was looking at my lips. I licked them and smirked as I leaned in to meet her, tilting my head a little, noticing her lick her lips as well.

"Absolutely enraged..."

I whispered against her lips just before she filled the gap, giving me exactly what I didn't know I had been needing for nearly a whole fucking whole day.

The chocolatey taste from the dessert on her lips was already driving me insane, but when she dove her tongue into my mouth, my eyes rolled back into my head and I moaned into her mouth, feeling like putty.

My baby sure was a fast learner.

I pulled back a little, bruising her lips with hard, wanting kisses as I tried to catch my breath. After a few kisses across her jaw, the hand that I had used to reach over and grip her hair was now rubbing her lips, reminding her of the feeling of mine on hers.

She sucked on my thumb and I bit my lip tilting my head back a little, feeling my dick completely stiffen; I knew if it hadn't been for the hundred or so other people in the park that night, I would've bit and sucked on every inch of her body until she screamed my name and begged for me to take her.

With my eyes glazed over, I looked down at her once again, sighing before brushing my nose against hers, my voice coming out a little shaky, but full of intensity.

And maybe even a little vulnerability.

"You're mine, Skyler."



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