2: The end is just another begining...

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As she walked out of the hospital she tried hard to remember the night she had gotten pregnant. She had been drugged so she had very little recollection of that night. The only thing she knew was that the morning after her graduation party she had woken up in Luca's bed.

Luca was the boy she had been crushing on since she was ten but couldn't say a word to him since she was too shy and didn't have any descent clothes to wear. He was also in Mary's class and she didn't want any trouble with her.

Just thinking of having slept with him made her blush profusely.

She had just reached the roadside and raised her hand to flung over a taxy when she saw a bright red sports car coming toward her direction at a high speed. Her heart skiped a beat and she reflexively took a step back while holding her bulging belly protectively with both hands.


The car came to a sudden halt a few inches away from her, just barely grazing her skirt.

"Hahahaha,,,, " Laughed Mary as she steped out of her expensive car. "Did you really think I would hit you? Maybe I should have done just that. A stupid bi**h like you shouldn't be roaming our streets anyway!! " She shouted.

"Mary, up to now I have never minded what you did to me. Call me whatever you want but don't hurt my unborn child. " She said quietly while still holding her erratic heart. "And am sorry if you still feel hurt that am carrying your boyfriend's child. "

"My naive little adopted sister! " She scoffed. "Do you really believe the child is Luca's? " She asked and laughed at her once again. "That night he was nowhere near the party. I drugged you and paid two men to rape you, it's such a pity that you stumbled into another strangers room that night but oh well... At least he did the job. " Mary added with a sly smile as he looked at her up and down.

Wait what....

Sensing her cluelessness Mary felt a sense of satisfaction and added.
"You must be wondering how you ended up in Luca's room the following morning then. Well, I called him and asked him to pretend to be your bastard's father just so that you would not abort it. I wanted you to suffer the pregnancy symptoms for that bastard in your womb so that by the time you realize that you do not know it's father it shall have already been too late to do anything and you'd have to suffer with it for the rest of your life!"she shouted.

Nikita held her belly protectively at the word bastard. There are many things she had endured in her life but this.. This left her completely shattered. She felt hot tears rolling down her cheeks and for the first time in eight years she let them flow freely. Her heart was already too full and her body too tired from fatigue.

Mary felt her heart burst in satisfaction watching Nikita cry. She had finally goten her revenge on the girl who had come home and stole everything that belonged to her. From her parent's attention to the money shares, the food and even space. In school people questioned if she really was her mother's child because Nikita looked like a carbon copy of their mother. They said she was even more likable than her!

She was about to gloat and celebrate her victory when she saw a very familiar black car being parked a few feet away from them. She quickly entered into acting mode.

"Hit me, slap me! But please forgive me," She begun to sob. She held Nikita's now trembling hands and started hitting herself, making Nikita's hands burn with pain. Nikita tried to free her hands but she was already too exhausted to achieve anything.

"I didn't nean for you to get hurt sister" Sob sob.. "I just wanted you to have a good time... " Sob sob..

"Get up Mary what are you doing," Luca who had been within an earshot and heard how pitifully Mary was sobbing ran,lifted her from her kneeling position and held her in his arms. Then turned to face Nikita.

He talked alot. He talked about how he had always know of Nikitas love for him and how he had always kept his distance to avoid giving her false hopes. He talked about how he had felt guilty for Mary when her plan to make Nikita's graduation night memorable backfired and had decided to take responsibility to help her out. He talked about what he wanted for his future and concluded by saying,

"I can not continue tonpretend to be your child's father anymore. I love your sister and I've seen how caring for you in your state has been hurting her. I don't want to do that anymore. I hope you understand and find it in your heart to forgive us. "

Nikita who had long stopped listening to their nonsense just stood there unmoving holding on to what was left of her sanity. Their words had felt like small pieces of needs slowly being forced into her fragile heart.

How could people be this heartless. How could they be this insane as to use a poor innocent child! Her child... Without a father... What was she supposed to do now? How was she expected to move on from this? She was only seventeen!

She looked at her sister and the man standing beside her feeling hatered brewing at the depth of her already battered heart. She no longer wanted to look at them. The mare sight of them made her feel disgusted. She wanted nothing more than to go far far away from them as possible.

She did not even bother to utter a word. All she wanted was space and in her daze she started walking toward the road to call a cab. She did not even realize she was in the middle of the road untill it was already too late. Luca tried to move forward hold her back but was many many seconds too late. She was already down, laying in her own pool of blood.

"Help! A pregnant lady has been hit! Somebody quickly call an ambulance!" She heard faintly as a surge of pain passed through her body followed by contractions at her lower abdomen. Blood trickled from her forehead to her eyes as she turned her head to look at those two figures that made her feel like puking. She closeed her eyes and slowly rolled into unconciousless.

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