
I didn't know what I'd be facing when I walked into his room for work. I would very much prefer if he ignored me the entire time I worked. Instead of purposely trying to offend me but alas, I have no control over what he does.

I really wish I could switch jobs with any of my colleagues. I would take the heat of the kitchen. or sweeping the entire house to coming face to face with Yinka. Sadly, I couldn't even propose the idea without raising suspicions and that's the last thing I wanted.

In addition, I wanted to be able to walk into his room and show him that I could withstand whatever he threw at me and could detach easily.

I drew shorty, shaky breaths as I came to a stop in front of Yinka's room. I was drained.

The men in this family were physically and mentally draining. Memories of Mr. Coker walking into the bathroom appeared in my mind. Just when I was about to give up on solutions, my fingers came in contact with my earpiece that I had forgotten in my gown.

I didn't bother with connecting the earpiece to my phone. With a speed I didn't know I possessed, I managed to stuff both plugs into my ear while turning away from the door in time for Mr. Coker to push it open. Acting like I didn't hear a thing and wearing a calm, collected mask was another tedious task I had to surpass.

I feigned a look of surprise and turned around as he entered the bathroom. "Ah, good afternoon sir. I didn't know you were back"

He was taken aback by my presence and didn't hide that fact very well. He watched me with narrowed eyes as I took out the earpiece and studied my countenance. 

I wondered if he could hear how hard my heart was beating. Or if my face divulged anything other than cluelessness. 

"Anything sir?" I asked like the good little maid he expected me to be. 

That seemed to dissolve his suspicion as he flexed and relaxed his facial muscles. "Erh, no. Are you done here?"

"Yes sir" I moved to pick the cleaning bucket and with a firm nod, I exited the bathroom. I didn't need to look back to know that he was watching me.

I walked stiffly like I had an iron rod stuffed in my back till I exited the bedroom. Only then did I relax and release the breath I was holding.

Only God can see me through in this household.

I placed three loud knocks on Yinka's bedroom and awaited a response. I didn't get one and after two long minutes of waiting, I once again assumed that he wasn't in.

I slightly pushed open the door and stuck my head through the ajar space, peering into the room. I wanted to make sure it was truly empty. I could only survive one traumatic experience at a time.

It was, thankfully so.

These days, since the remixing of his song with Davido, Yinka's schedule had been unpredictable. At least to me. I couldn't really pinpoint his location all the time and there wasn't a surety that he would be home if you didn't inform him in advance.

For the first time, I was glad about his now frequent engagements. I could see less and less of him while I worked.

Looking around the room, I noticed that it wasn't entirely dishevelled. Long after, Yinka and I became cordial and friendly with each other, I began to notice some changes in his room appearance. He made some conscious effort to keep the room in a state that made my work a lot easier.

Instead of clothes strewn across the room in seen and unseen corners, he made sure to gather them in his laundry bag so I could just pick it up effortlessly. His bed, well, he tried his best to keep it laid but I still had to redo it every time because there were always creases on the sheet. All the same, I appreciated the little effort he made to alleviate my workload.

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