"Sorry." I say trying to put on a serious face.

"About two months ago I received a holographic message." He pulls out his phone and the hologram shows me an alien species I'm unfamiliar with saying that they are a peaceful species and due to their home planet being invaded they would like to reside on Earth with humans. Once the hologram stops I look at Fury and shrug.

"So what do you want me to do?"

"Well I said no-"

"Why would you say no? Earth has progressed and is a fruitful planet with many opportunities for all different kinds of people."

"You really think the people of this planet wouldn't have an uprising if we brought a foreign species to Earth? I was doing what I thought was best for our planet, and now they're threatening us! So much for peaceful."

"They're scared! They have nowhere to go clearly and tell me you wouldn't do the same for the beings on Earth." He stays quiet.

"Exactly. So you brought me here to clean up your mess?" I say in a snarky tone earning me a glare.

"Do you know the name of their kind?" I ask.

"Crogans form planet Croga."

"Do you know anything else about them?" He shakes his head and I think for a moment.

"Alright can you contact them?" He nods with a slight smile.

"Let's start there, call them or whatever." I say and he takes out his phone a hologram of the same man in the video popping up.

"Hello, I'm Marianna Yanis."

"Ah finally! The human I've been wanting to talk to." The man says glaring back at Fury and I turn and look at him with a smirk.

"I apologize for my subordinates stupidity. I was dealing with some personal things when you first reached out to Earth and I thought I could trust my subordinates but here we are." I say with a smile.

"I hope he hasn't offended you too much that we can't come to an agreement."

"It depends on the terms of these agreement Earthling."

"Well as I'm sure you already know I have a contract with King Avian of Jorba, Torval of Altore IV and Queen Samah of Itima, we can slightly alter this contract to appease both parties and achieve peace and unity." I smirk realizing what I did with that. I'm slick even when I don't try.

"They don't call her the goddess of unity for nothing." Fury says nervously leaning into the hologram picture. The man glares at Fury who quickly moves his face out of the picture.

"I'll read over this contract but I would like to do negations and such in person with the other holders on this contract."

"I'm sure that can be arranged. I will inform them," I pause remembering I don't even know his name, he furrows his brow for a moment but catches on quick.

"Lord Caine."

"I will inform them Lord Caine and send you the coordinates to Jorba and see you there in 3 days time." We bid farewell and I turn to Fury with a victorious smile.

"Why do aliens like you so much? He was not like that when we spoke." I shrug.

"Maybe it's just the vibe you give off." He rolls his eyes and moves in front of a computer smiling at whatever he's seeing.

"What?" I ask moving behind him.

"They're leaving, they do t have their weapons pointed at us anymore." He says relieved.

"I love how you just withheld that we were currently at gun point."

"Didn't wanna freak you out." I roll my eyes now.

"Get me a ship and I'll be on my merry little way."

"You can't bring your mates. I want this to stay secret until they sign the contract."

"I know. That's why I said bring me a ship. Chop chop!" I send my mates a text telling them that I'll be taking a lil trip to space and not to worry and that I love them and Matteo before turning off my phone.

Fury quickly arranges my ship and the things that I'll need. I get into the pilots seat and go to close the small ships door. All of a sudden Fury is in the backseat strapping himself in.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

"Coming with you Yanis."

Loving Marianna Book Two Where stories live. Discover now