Chapter 40: Forelsket

Start from the beginning

"Tell your men to lower their guns, Nicolo," he said to me calmly with a solemn face as he stared at the woman in my arms.

"Atlas," Dante gasped out as he lowered his gun.

"Is that really you?" he asked in shock and Atlas nodded his head.

"She needs medical attention," Atlas spoke out as he took a step closer.

"We'll be taking her with us," he said.

"There's no way in hell she's going back with you people," Leone said as he stepped forward.

"That's my daughter, I-"

"She may be your daughter but you are not her father, you haven't been her father for years ever since you made the decision to leave her," I scoffed at him.

"She needs proper care," he scowled at me.

"And we have the best doctors in all of Italy, so do not step any closer Atlas, I will put a bullet through your goddamn skull," I said as I aimed my loaded gun towards him.

"You will follow us to the estate if you wish to see her, but just you, none of your men," I said as I glared at the people behind him.

"Galen, férte ta aftokínitá mas kai tous ántres mas píso stis enkatastáseis. Tha epistrépso to vrády," Atlas said to a man before turning towards me with a nod (Bring our cars and our men back to the facility. I will be back by night).

"I want him searched for weapons before we bring him with us," I yelled out to my men as I began to walk away.

"Manny, take those two with us," I said as I pointed to the guards that lay unconscious.

"But, they're Romano's men," he said confused.

"I was not the one who shot them," I replied as I watched his eyes widen with pity.

"We will have them treated by the doctor. I will not have her live with death on her hands," I said as I watched Dante carry Arabella to the car.

"Technically she wouldn't have killed them if I just finish the job right now," he said as he loaded his gun.

"Just bring them back to the fucking estate, Manny," I said as I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Alive," I emphasized before leaving him.

I walked towards Gabe and asked for his phone to inform my mother of the shit show we were about to bring back home. Mentally groaning, I scrolled through his contact list to find her number as I was not prepared to incur my mother's wrath.

"Gabe? Hello?" her peaceful voice answered.

"Mamma, it's me," I said.

"What? Nico? What's wrong?" she asked.

"Codice rosso. Assicurati che i medici siano lì in tempo. Ci saremo presto," I said (Code red. Make sure the doctors are there on time. We will be there soon).

"Oh, Santo Cielo. What have you gotten yourself into now, Nico? Is everyone okay?" (For God's sake)

"I will explain later. Is father home?" I asked.

"He is not, should we keep him away?"

"Yes, he cannot know about this," I said as I was beginning to worry about Arabella's safety.

"I will do my best, caro," she sighed (Dear).

I ended the call and made my way towards the car that my men were waiting in. I stared into the rearview mirror as my gaze met the eyes of a man who left his daughter to live in a dangerous world that she was unaware of for years.

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