"Mr. Zenin! The clan head sent us to retrieve you and your wife, please follow us inside," one of the two servants says instantly pissing you off at being addressed only as Naoya's wife in passing. Before you could get yourself too rilled up, Naoya grabs your hand and squeezes it reassuringly.

"Remember why we're here," Naoya says to you as you take a breath and manage a fake smile as Naoya leads you inside not paying any mind to the servants. The two of you make your way to the room the meeting is to be held, even from the gates you can sense that many decently strong members are holed up inside.

Though without a doubt you could still crush all of them even while pregnant, though, of course, you wish to avoid that unless necessary. Naoya allows the servants to slide open the doors to the room for you and immediately the room hushes at your arrival.

Unsurprisingly only men are present in the meeting, save for a few female servants who sheepishly rush out a few seconds after you and Naoya enter. Sitting directly across the room from you, Naobito sits down comfortably holding a sakazuki and finishing the sake within it.

"Ahh if it isn't my only son showing up fashionably late. That isn't very becoming of a man set to become clan head, especially when he's late to his ceremony," Naobito says as you fight the urge to roll your eyes at the fact that Naobito didn't even bother addressing you.

You allow Naoya to walk you through the room teeming with misogyny. Akio doesn't like the vibe in here either as he squirms around as if trying to tell you to run away. The two of you eventually end up standing directly in front of Naobito with the other clansman on either side of you.

"Why is there a woman here?" "Is that Naoya's wife?" "I heard he married the so-called strongest female sorcerer, surely that's a bluff, right?" "As much as I despise Gojo there's no way there'd be a woman stronger than him,"

You continue to hear the loud murmuring amongst the crowd of men surrounding you and wish desperately to make all of them bow before you with the force of your gravity. However, Naoya once again takes the lead and squeezes your hand as a sign of reassurance. You already had a short temper when it came to the Zenin, but your being pregnant heightened those feelings tenfold.

"I'll try to make this as short as possible since how you came about this decision is distasteful and quite frankly disrespectful to me. Not to mention your blatant misogynistic ways are already dangerously close to aggravating my wife who'd wish nothing more than to crush you all to a pulp," Naoya says speaking bluntly as Naobito sits up from his previously slouched position and glares at Naoya annoyed.

"Your wife has no say in this matter and as your father and the leader of this clan, I have no reason or need to deal with you in a fashion that you dub respectful or otherwise. I knew there was a risk that marrying a woman like that would corrupt your mind and sway your goals, but I thought I raised you better than that," Naobito says as you feel yourself go from annoyed to pissed in mere seconds.

"I'm offering you the position you've been working so hard all these years to achieve and now you're testing your limits. Don't be an ungrateful brat Naoya," Naobito continues as you scoff loudly already having reached your limit with Naobito's bullshit.

"You have some nerve saying that when one of the only reasons you now see value in your son and his abilities is because he's about to have a son with the strength of a Zenin and  Sugawara Michizane descendent!" You blurt out as Naobito raises to his feet now finally acknowledging your presence, his beady black eyes staring at you with distaste.

The Masochist & The MisogynistМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя