my quotes and what they mean to me

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"Don't look for a change, but look at yourself and make a change"
this one I made due to the fact I started messing up and I was trying to make change around me but then I realized to change the world you need to change yourself.

"Don't wait for change, make a change." 
this one I did because at one point I wanted something in my life to fix itself but after a while, I fixed it myself.

"When you're in hell just keep going, heaven is on the other side"
I love this one because I went through a low in my life and I wanted to do things I would have regretted.

"The brightest things come after the darkest times"
this one I made cuz of my lover, as I said in the last one I was going through a dark time and they were my light to keep going, still are.

"You only live once so make the best of it"
this is just something that I live by all the time I do things with no regret.

"Have good friends, but have a great family"
I made this one because I've always have had good friends and a great family.

"Life is full of choices so make the best ones we can."
I chose to live by this, all my choices may not be good but I've always stuck with what I've done, I'm more bite than bark.

"Success is something that you make it"
this one is based on my dream to be a rapper and I need to work hard to get far not just expect it to happen.

"Wining can blind you so try losing once or twice"
oh one of my friends always won at something and they thought they were the best at it, he ended up talking too big and getting his ass handed to him.

"Time is all ways moving so move with it"
something I chose to do daily, I never stop just find things to do.

"if you have a heart that is pumping blood then you haven't lost love"
this is something I made when I was about 9 or younger, I lost a friend that I'm pretty sure was my first crush and I felt hopeless but I knew I was still alive, so I keep going.

"If you don't fight for something fight for others"
I didn't have much to fight for me, but I did have friends who I die for.

"somethings are not meant to be said but the one thing that you both should say is sorry"
I said this to my friends who were fighting they ended up making up and are still friends to this day.

"pain is what holds us all down if you think about it will kill you"
I made this to know that just because I'm hurt doesn't mean I'll lose my life for it.

"When you look back on your old work, think about why you did it and then make it again but better."
heh- this one is about my old stories and songs I made when I was younger, I remade a lot and made them better.

"Never starts something you can't finish."
I made this cuz I'm started a big project and failed at it because I didn't want help.

"Beliefs don't make you, you make yourself."
I made this to tell any religious person who tried pushing their religion on me.

"Pain can be the key to forgiveness."
thought the soar of losing something can always make you better.

"If it can be done now, do it."
I made this to my brother who joined the Marines and is in BootCamp right now.

"Words can cut like blades so speak wisely"
this is for me when I rap- I've said some messed up things while doing a rap battle.

"Life can go up and down but everything comes to an end at one point."
this one reflects my past and something that happened that I don't talk about much, a few people know, not many tho.

"Love yourself even if you're weird."
this one I made cuz you should love yourself how you are no matter what, cuz if your human then you deserve love ^-w-^

"Don't follow others' beliefs because that's their beliefs, not yours."
I made this cuz my Dad tried making me religious but it didn't work, and I believe what I believe.

"As long as you move you can still get to your goal."
another one for my brother in BootCamp, work hard and stay strong

"Keep your head up just enough to see the light so you can keep moving."
... don't want to say...

"The more you forget the less you have to regret"
I came up with this randomly.

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