Was she calling me large? I mean I do need to lay off the chocolate muffins, but I didn't think I was much larger than the other women here.

" yea, thanks that would be great." I smiled. Maybe this could be a good thing, right? I looked into the mirror, I looked beautiful in my dress. Maybe the men will fancy me now.

I walked out of my room. It was time for dinner and I wanted to get there early so mother didn't scold me for not being on time.

I pulled the doors open and walked in to see everyone already setting there. I guess they come early to. I sat down in my seat, the corset tightened when I bent at all. It hurt a little.

Father looked at me strangely now. I waited for the chefs to come with our food, I was starving. " you look beautiful anabeth." My mother said smiling.

I nodded and looked down. I felt as if the corset was crushing my limbs, but if I say anything Paul may make one of his ridiculous jokes about me being, ' large.'

" are you okay dear? You look a bit pale." My father said, concern lacing his eyes. " oh yes I'm fine!" I looked up and put on a smile.

The chefs entered the room, they sat down our plates in-front of us. I looked down at my plate expecting something delicious and meaty.

Instead it was a fresh salad. I wasn't disappointed at the food, I was actually happy. If I continue eating food like this, I can lose weight and be like the other women of the court.

Father stared at my plate, he looked strangely disappointed at what the chefs made me but soon looked away when I started eating.

A few minutes of pure silence passed when father slammed his glass cup on the floor and yelled. " Huzzah!" I flinched at the noise and knocked my cup over.

" sorry!" I said smiling awkwardly and cleaning the mess of the table. " it's fine dear, go get sleep." My mother said directing the last part to both me and Paul.

I walked to my room, Paul right behind me. We've always shared rooms since I was eleven, but on my twelfth birthday father made me get my room. He said I was to old to be sleeping in the same room as him and that I needed privacy.

I didn't go against him about it. I felt as if I also needed my own room.

I plumped down in my chair and began reading a book. I love poetry books, they get me so excited at every line. Mother also encourages me to read poetry because it helps my reading skills.

I fought to keep my eyes open. Soon I was asleep, laid out across my chair.

AN: hello guys! First chapter! This is a different kind of book then I'm used to, so I don't know how to word things or go about them? I hope this is good!

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AN: hello guys! First chapter! This is a different kind of book then I'm used to, so I don't know how to word things or go about them? I hope this is good!

Also I encourage you to read my other book I'm currently writing. Titled " how far I'll go." I believe it's pretty good so far!

Her dress :

Her dress :

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Her room :

The palace  :

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The palace :

If your wondering why it doesn't look like the one in the show it's because in this story line they moved after velementov set the place on fire by accident! 😭🤚

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If your wondering why it doesn't look like the one in the show it's because in this story line they moved after velementov set the place on fire by accident! 😭🤚

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