Chapter 2 : Field Test Completed

Começar do início

Raiden turned around and looked at Liv... He then nodded to say go ahead and ask

Liv:"Where are you from Babylonia?"

Liv asked as she steadily walked towards him in order to catch up


He looked up seemingly in thought before answering

Raiden:"Not much. but I can give you that I'm from the Slums on Babylonia the lower parts"

Liv:"I heard the living conditions there are manageable and only good"

Raiden chuckled at Liv's confused look as she looked for it on her Database

Liv:"Why did you became a Commander then Commandant?"

Raiden::"No need to be formal Liv just call me Raiden"

Liv nodded with a smile

Liv:"Okay then Raiden-sama"

Raiden:"Well... The Life was good but it wasn't really my calling in Life... Maybe my calling was in here on earth who knows?"

Liv then did a thinking pose while walking beside Raiden

Liv:"I see..."


Liv was getting used to being around Raiden and she was quite happy about that... And neither was Raiden
After there little treak Liv and Raiden regrouped with the others... Lucia and Lee are waiting for them at a rundown area inside the building

Liv:"Hi guys"

Liv greeted them the usual way

Lucia:"... Uhm... Nothing happened up there correct?"

Liv looked at Raiden and nodded

Raiden:"Surveying the Area from the high ground is norm when you have free time... Liv accompanied me"

Lee nodded and Lucia coughed a little before regaining her composure

Raiden:"How did the survey on your end?"

Lucia was about to speak when Lee interrupted her and showed there Commandant a map

Raiden:"I see that you marked out points where you have reached corrupted... Looking at the map you've exterminated them"

Lee nodded which made Raiden chuckle a bit

Raiden:"Didn't expect the corrupted to arrive here and in big numbers no less"

Lee:"Commandant... If I may"

Raiden and the other two looked at Lee with confusion

Lee:"...Can we not stand around here and find a better place because..."

He pointed upwards and the group saw it was night time


Lee:"I have a found a good place for us to settle in for the night"

Raiden nodded and Followed Lee who began walking to that direction... Lucia and Liv talked about something before following them


The Group settled around the campfire that Lee made

Nothing was spoken around the team as Raiden was more concerned of reading a small book

Lucia couldn't quite read her commandant's expression and overall personality... Also the fact that Liv was sitting right next to Raiden reading as well... Didn't help her much

//Punishing Gray Raven\\ Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora