Shen Cheng was sitting in his room; sipping the tea. "Sect leader!" His personal guard, Wu Yunxi greeted. "What's the news?" 

Wu Yunxi extracted a letter towards his master. "Master! This is the letter sent by our spies we sent to Fishermen's valley." "Hmm. Put in on the table, I'll read it later. You can leave." Shen Cheng said and stood up. "Yes master." Wu Yunxi greeted and left.

Shen Cheng unwrapped the letter and read it. 

"There's nothing new." He sighed in disappointment. "I'm tired of these useless wars." He looked outside the window. The sun was shining brightly. "Can't we all just live peacefully? 

In the Wang Clan of swords legend-

Wang Xiao was practicing sword. "Today I'll practice this move till I'm perfect at it. I won't give up no matter what." He thought. Not so soon, He slipped and injured his leg. 

"Clan leader! How many times do I need to tell you that you need not push yourself. Take it easy!" Wang Xiao's personal guard, Han Lei said in worry. He was 22 years old.

"I'm fine brother Han." Not giving up; Wang Xiao tried to stand up but failed. "See, You need to rest. Come." Han Lei dragged him to his room even when Wang Xiao was declining. because he sincerely cared for his leader unlike others. 

"Clan leader, Today no matter what. You won't go out of this room. Do you understand?" Han Lei kind of scolded. He looked angry and scary so Wang Xiao dared not disobey. He nodded obediently. "I understand." "Good." Han Lei patted his head and left the room after shutting the door.

"Don't let him come out and don't let anyone go in either. Take care of him. Bring him all the necessities." Han Lei instructed the maids and servants outside Wang Xiao's room.

"Such a loyal dog! um!" Standing behind Han Lei the cousin of Wang Xiao, Wang Bei murmured and smirked. She was jealous of Wang Xiao. age- 17 years old. 

"Lady Wang." Han Lei greeted. "Don't come any closer you dirty dog. You'll ruin my royal and rich dress." She smirked. "Get away." "Pardon me." Han Lei apologized and bowed his head.

"What are you sorry for?" Opening the door Wang Xiao shouted and yelled. Han Lei turned back. "Clan leader. Why did you come out-" "Shh!" Wang Xiao while trying hard to walk, came out and stood in front of Han Lei. "Sister Bei. You have no right to disrespect Brother Han." 

"Brother Han?" Wang Bei laughed. "Why are you so protective of him? He's nothing but a loyal dog. He should just clean my dirty shoe-" "Enough! Guards take sister Bei to her room. She must be tired, that's why she is talking like this." Wang Xiao ordered. "You-" Wang Bei was triggered. The guards came towards her. "No need. I'll go by myself." She was angry. But had no choice so she left.

Wang Xiao coughed. "I'm sorry for her behavior brother Han." Wang Xiao apologized. "No its ok. Besides, She just spoke the truth." Han Lei bowed his head.

"Stop talking like this. Brother Han. Since my father left this world, You're the only person who cares for me by his heart."Wang Xiao smiled. Han Lei raised his head and looked at little Xiao. It made him smile.

Next day, Wang Xiao was sitting under the sun. "Brother Han. Its cold today. Isn't it?" He looked at Han Lei. Han Lei nodded. "Yes it is. A little bit." 

"Clan leader!" Some guards came running. "What happened?" Concerned Han Lei and Wang Xiao stood up. They were shocked because the guards were crying.

"Immortal River sect caught three of our brothers and they won't let them go. They said that they will hang their heads on their gate so that no body from our clan would dare to repeat the same mistake." The guards were panting and crying.

"What!" Wang Xiao was shocked and panicked. 

Published date- 5 December 2021

Time- 1:10 pm

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2021 ⏰

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