Chapter 3 ~

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You glanced at your phone, '11:23pm.. I should get some sleep...' You went downstairs to tell your mum that your going to bed and returned back to your room.
You collapse onto your bed
You set a alarm on your phone and fell fast asleep.
When you woke up you looked outside the window, it seemed to be night still...You grabbed your phone and checked the time '4am...I don't think I should be up at this time. It's way to early.'

After trying to sleep for 30mins you were still awake. This pissed you off so you decided to go on a "morning walk."

The full moon shimmered in the dark sky while the stars flickered brightly. It was slightly windy but peaceful. You could hear the leaves of a tree swishing gracefully as you embraced nature and it's peacefulness. You took a deep breath before walking to the nearest park.

Like always, the silence was ruined by "Oh, hello there once again." It was of course, the one and only, Scaramouche. "Uhm, hello. Why are you awake here at this time...?" You ask slightly suspicious of the coincidence. "Mmm, not sure, I just couldn't sleep I guess." He replied with. "Ah, same here." You looked away and stared at the playground with swings, slides etc. It really woke the child you because you desperately wanted to go on it and so you did. Scaramouche was just on his phone minding his own buisness before asking you, "Hey, I was wondering, what is your phone number?" He smiled innocently, you stopped swinging on the swings to look at him and stood up, walking towards him. You grabbed his phone and entered your phone number on it and gracefully gave it back.

He reacted with a smirk before making his grand exist. His sudden disappearance caused you to wonder on why he wanted your number but you just shrugged it off and started walking home aswell. Tommrow would be Thursday so school once again, yay.

- Time skip a few months

You were in class, not paying attention obviously, just daydreaming about a certain someone. (spoiler alert not Scaramouche) You have taken a liking to them and have been ignoring everyone when thinking of them.

The person you like is one of the "popular boys" but the reason why you fell for him was, his looks, his smile and the way he treats other people so kindly. He seemed like a generally kind person. You saw no red flags and even if you did, you made up the excuse that you were colourblind.

Everyday, thinking about him.

-Scaramouche Pov

Everyday, thinking about her......She was perfect in his eyes. All that was in his mind was Y/N. But in her mind, it was someone else...

'N-no...She belongs to me, not him. I can't let him win but yet...I can't do anything. If I hurt him...It'll hurt her. Ugh, what do I do?!' Scaramouche thought to himself, he was also in class. With y/n. 'Her attention was directed all to him, not me. Why? Why him? Not me?' Scaramouche put his head down on his desk and sighed painfully.

'Ugh, I wish I just listened to myself. "Love is a person's true weakness no matter who they are." I should've listened. Now i'm all weak for this one woman...I even have...Thoughts about her. Thoughts that I cannot control if she knew about these thoughts, I wonder how she'd react? Probably disgusted.'

-End of Scaramouche's pov ^^

You sighed realising how obbessed you are of this boy.

*Bell rings*

The bell rang and snapped you out of your thoughts. It was now home time but yet, you didn't start packing up your things unlike everyone else. You were building up the courage to speak with your love intrest.

'Calm down Y/N. You can do this, just ask him to meet with you and confess! It's that easy." You were trying your best to be optimistic and managed to get the confidence that you needed to ask him.

Carefully getting up from your seat, looking as calm and graceful as possible. You walked towards him. He was still sitting down. The boy you had a crush on, oh how beautiful he looked...Turns out that you were a absolute coward and instead of walking to him, you walked passed him.

'Oh my fucking god why did I do that?!?! I literally had all the courage but UGH' You were so annoyed while walking out of the classroom that you didn't notice someone infront of you.


-Scaramouche pov 👀

Scaramouche was walking out of class until he realised that he has forgotten something, turning around and entering the classroom, he felt something suddenly hit his chest followed with a Bam!

Looking down, he sees you. His eyes widen as you struggle to pick up your things that fell on the ground.

"Uhm, here let me help you." He said while crouching down to pick up your stuff for you. "Ah thank you Scaramouche!" She replied with. 'She still remembers my name...It's been so long since we last talked. I can't believe that she actually remembered!' He thought to himself, he didn't realise that a smile was appearing on his face.

A genuine, soft smile.

Soon about to be lost, consumed by jealously and anger. Making others suffer to cure his own suffering.


Hello!! It's me the writer and I wanted to say that this story is literally made on the top of my head and I only continue it when i'm bored so if it looks messy or all over the place I apologise for it!!

I've been trying to write atleast one thousand words on each chapter because motivation for me is rare and stuff but for now goodbye! ^_^

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