"Oh...Uhm h-hello there again.." You stuttered. "Ah, hello! I see that you have my cat!" Said Scaramouche with a grin. "Yeah! Uh, I really like your cat! She's very cute!" You looked away 'Oh god him again, why??? I don't want to be around him...He looks terrifying.' You thought as Scaramouche ranted on how annoying Scarlet is for running away every time she's outside. But you just zoned out and the world became silent. You could only hear muffled words from Scaramouche but you didn't understand a thing he was saying.
He was infront of you and he leaned forward, his face and your face were very close. "Hello? Are you even paying attention?" He said with a slightly annoyed tone. He was waiting for a answer from you but he got tired of waiting and flicked your forehead. which snapped you back to reality. "Oh! Sorry, I just zoned out." You replied and laughed awkwardly. Until you realised how close he was to you. Even though you wanted to distance yourself away from him, you couldn't. He was just addicting like coffee. You never noticed how attractive he was. And once again you were staring at him for longer than you wanted to.
"Earth to y/n?? Gosh, why do you keep zoning out?" He grumbled and snapped his fingers infront of your face and startled you. Jee you were acting so pathetic infront of him. 'Wait was I staring at him again?' The thought made you realise that you once again embarrassed yourself infront of someone.
"I noticed that you were staring at me, you just can't get enough of me, can you?" He teased, making you flustered and turn away from him. "You probably have lewd thoughts about me hm? I mean, why else would you stare at me for so long?" Even though you were facing away from him, you could tell he was grinning.
You were easily flustered and started to blush even more, feeling your body heat up intensely. You wanted to get back at his cocky attudie so you replied with "Yeah, I imagined how good you'd be in bed~" Now it's your turn to tease him. You definitely caught him off guard because he was silent for a moment. "Why imagine when you can find out yourself?" He responded with and followed with those words were a chuckle. You were speechless, you had no idea how to respond. "W-well uhm..." Is all that came out of your mouth.
Since you were turned away from him still, you didn't know what he was up to. You were thinking hard on what to say until you felt a hand on your waist. It was Scaramouche, he turned you around so your head was against his chest.
Your heart was beating fast because of the unexpected move he pulled on you. You could hear his heartbeat but it was calm. 'How is he so calm?!' You thought to yourself trying to wriggle out of his grasp. His hand was on your back and he didn't do anything without your permission. You two just stood there, close to eachother. You realised that Scaramouche was unexpectedly warm, you thought he would be cold like his personality but of course, you're an idiot who didn't know that humans are warm blooded animals because you always zoned out in class.
You were blushing alot, you already gave up on getting out of his grasp but soon enough he lets go of you. "I-I need to go now." He says while grabbing his cat that wandered off somewhere because of boredom and ran off.
You stood there, dumbfounded. Not knowing how to react but your face was as read as a tomato. You decided to go take the long way home since Scaramouche went the other way and you really didn't want to bump into him again.
You awkwardly walked away, replaying what happend until...'Wait a minute. Did he just stutter?' You were sure he did and smiled because it didn't match his personality at all so you savoured that moment. You arrived home and was still slightly blushing. "Mum i'm home." You said while taking off your shoes and walking towards the living room. "Ah, sweetie! How was school?" Your mother said, she was sitting on the couch watching TV. You smiled and said "It was good, nothing new." "Hmm? But your blushing! Did you finally get a boy friend?" She teased and you looked away blushing even more.
"Moooom you need to stop saying that! I didn't get a boy friend so don't get your hopes up too high." You mumbled the last part. "But dear, why are you blushing? I'm sure something happend. After all, you blushing isn't something that i've seen every day." She said.
"It's nothing that you have to worry about!" you crossed your arms and pouted. Your mum chuckled and gave up on the mystery.
You went to your room and changed out of your uniform.
Scaramouche's POV
'Oh god, why did I do that? I just couldn't control my urge. Ever since I met y/n I felt different. I hate how weak I feel when I think about her. But yet, I feel this warm feeling, I don't want to lose it. It's the first time that I've ever felt like this.
No matter what, she will be mine. Even if I have to use force.
End of pov ^_^

Your mine <3 / Scaramouche x reader
FanfictionSome notes : ! no smut ! Modern Au Reader is female! Also if there is any bad spelling or grammar errors then uh- sorry Reader have anxiety because why not Also keep in mind that I have no idea wtf I'm doing so if this sounds like a 2018 gacha mini...