Chapter 10🌿

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It's been at least twenty minutes; we've just been sat waiting.

"I think we should go and look for the others," Marcus signs to me.

"Yeah, I think so too."

I stand up, brushing the mud off of me and we silently make our way back to the house.

Once we arrive it's dark; something doesn't seem right. Marcus and I exchange glances, standing close. He creeps up the stairs and I follow, trying to be as quiet as possible.

Relief flushes through my body as Lee comes out of the bathroom, pulling us both into a hug.

"Thank you," he signs to us both, "thank you so much. Well done. Look, come and see the baby."

Oh my god, the baby!

We walk into the bathroom where Evelyn is sitting against the wall in the shower, holding the baby close to her. She gives us both a weak smile showing the baby.

"It's a boy, we don't have a name yet," she signs.

"He's so cute," I sign back.

Evelyn's smile fades, "where's Regan?"

"I don't know, I thought she was with dad-" Marcus signs.

"She was," Lee signs, "I don't know where she's went. I'll go and find her, you all stay here."

Lee walks out the room. Evelyn gives me a worried look but then smiles.

"Would you like to hold him, Y/N?" she signs. I nod.

Evelyn hands me the baby and I cradle it in my arms, turning to Marcus who gives me a wide smile.

After a minute or two I pass the baby to Marcus, he shakes his head and signs, "I don't know how."

I hold the baby in one arm and move Marcus's arms in the right position then place the baby there.

"It's okay, just hold his head - make sure it's supported. You're doing amazing," I sign.

Evelyn smiles at me, "you're good at this, Y/N."

"I know right," I sign, grinning sarcastically, "what if he cries?"

"We have a soundproof box down in the basement, it has an oxygen mask so he can breathe. Actually, you wouldn't mind getting it for me would you?" Evelyn signs.

I nod my head, "sure."

Evelyn stops me, "be careful, Y/N. There's a nail on one of the steps, don't stand on it."

I nod my head again and leave.

I arrive at the door to the stairs, opening it slightly and squeezing in the gap. I step down the stairs, remembering what Evelyn told me. I see the nail and step around it - blood is pooled at the bottom of it, Evelyn must have stood in it; I cringe at the thought.

I see the box in the corner of the room, along with two oxygen tanks places neatly next to it. I put one of the oxygen tanks in the box so I can can both, I then squat down and pick up the box. It's heavier than I expected. I then go back up the stairs, not forgetting about the nail and stepping around it.

When I get back to the bathroom, Evelyn is now holding the baby.

"Thank you so much, Y/N."

I smile at her. She then puts the baby in the box, placing the oxygen mask over his head, connecting it to the tank and placing the lid over the box.

"Come on, let's go," Evelyn signs. Her and Marcus take hold of either side of the box and carry it out the room.

A Quiet Place (Marcus X Reader) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz