I Was Made for Lovin' You

Start from the beginning

As they reached the hotel, since everyone knows everyone, guests are started mingling and chatting with each other.

Belle, I've been wondering if you would come to see me. Jennifer said hugging Isabelle.

You have? Isabelle asked confused.

Well, I've noticed the changes in your body, and... The fullness in your breasts. Jennifer commented while looking intently at her.

Oh. Wow. Isabelle gasped at the comment of her cousin.

Belle, okay, I think you're pregnant. Jennifer added.

Not pregnant. Isabelle shook her head.

Yes, you are. I know, just looking at you. Remember I am a doctor, I know those things. Jennifer winked.

No, no. I've just gained a little weight. Isabelle chuckles while Jennifer shakes her head. I've been feeling these, like, curiosities.

Uh-huh. Jennifer said nodding while waiting for Isabelle to continue.

And, um... surges. Isabelle added.

The sexual cravings can be very intense during pregnancy. Jennifer commented.

I-I'm not pregnant. No, I've just been... eating a lot. Isabelle stutter. Caleb eats a lot.

Listen, uh... When was your last period, Isabelle? Jennifer asked.

Oh, my God. Isabelle gasp and hold Jennifer. Irene offers her a chair to sit on. Oh, my God. Isabelle still in disbelief and looked in Caleb's direction. Is it appropriate for me to tell Caleb in a text? So I can avoid having to look him in the eye while I say, "Hey, remember how careful we were? Not careful enough, Daddy!" Isabelle added, Jennifer and Irene laughed at her.

Not a very good idea. Irene remarked.

Did you keep medical textbooks here, at the wedding? Isabelle asked looking at Jennifer.

I like to study. Jennifer shrugs. Look, you're a decent person, and Caleb is a decent person. He deserves a face-to-face. Jennifer added then they looked at smiling Caleb approaching them.


So you mean to say that Irene is an actual princess? Everly asked Hayden in disbelief.

Queen. Hayden corrected her.

And Jennifer and Irene are married? Everly asked again.

Well, technically and legally married by accident according to Cameron. And I think they are trying to work it out. Hayden commented.

Stop gossiping about them. Taylor interjected.

Jennifer and Irene approach Everly and Hayden to congratulate them. Both couples exchanged hugs and kisses to their cheeks and started chatting while Taylor just smiled at them. She was about to excuse herself when she saw a very familiar face.

The girl was about to approach them but suddenly stops.

You! Taylor and Emma, said in unison pointing at each other.

Do you know each other? Irene asked confused.

What are you doing here? Taylor asked ignoring Irene.

Um. I-I think I am at the wrong wedding reception. The girl replied and smile awkwardly. Irene and Jennifer looked at her questioningly. This is embarrassing, I-I should get going. The girl said walking away from them.

Wait! Taylor said and was about to follow the girl but Everly and Irene stops her. What, let me go. She said looking at both of them.

Well, she's gone. You won't be able to catch up with her. Jennifer remarked.

If you two didn't stop me, I probably talking to her right now. Taylor said slightly annoyed.

Do you know her? Irene asked curiously.

Is she one of your patients before? Jennifer added.

That's the thing, I only know her by name. Taylor sighs.

And what is her name? Irene asked again.

Taylor's answer made Jennifer choke on her drink and Irene raised her eyebrow. Her name is Christine.

Is that Emma's real name? Jennifer whispered to Irene.

It's complicated, I'll explain later. Irene whispered back.

What? Taylor looked at Jennifer and Irene.

Okay, something is happening. What is happening? Everly interjected.

Jennifer pull Everly and Hayden away from Irene and Taylor, then Jennifer explained to them the situation that made Everly and Hayden laugh uncontrollably while walking back at Irene and Taylor.

What's the deal with you and that girl? Hayden asked.

Nothing. But, I am attracted to her. Taylor said blushing. Everyone burst into laughter at her comment. No offense to you, Jennifer. She added.

Oh, none was taken. I am happy for you. Jennifer smiled while everyone still laughing at her confession.

Fine, make fun of me. Taylor shakes her head.

As the doctor said, we are happy for you. Everly commented still laughing. Taylor rolled her eyes at them then started walking away while showing a finger at them.

Hey guys! We have an announcement. Isabelle and Caleb suddenly showed up.

Our wedding is sure hella full of surprises. Everly said kissing her wife passionately.

Well, you started it. Everly chuckles at her wife's reply.

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