Chapter 1 ~

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You wake up with the sun shining brightly almost blinding your eyes. After a good stretch you lazily dragged yourself out of bed and swiftly grabbed your phone and checked the time. "OH FUCK ITS ALREADY 8:30AM, SCHOOL STARTS AT 9AM IM GOING TO BE SO DEAD"

You quickly changed into your school uniform and brushed your hair and your teeth before setting out on another journey to hell aka school. You were running as fast as you can to the train station so you didn't miss the train. 'aw man I really regret skipping all those PE lessons now...' You thought to yourself, running through the wind making your hair flow gracefully as it embraced the wind.

Soon enough, after helplessly rushing to the station, you finally made it. You were panting and gasping for air as you checked your phone. '8:56am, I can make it.' You thought to yourself once again as the train fianlly arrived and swooped you away to your destination.

You were a bit distracted on your phone so you didn't notice someone sit next to you without a warning. The mysterious person tapped you on the shoulder, you reacted and flinched realising that you were caught off guard by this mysterious person who won't really be mysterious anymore.

You silently turned your head towards them and opened your lips to speak before getting cut off "Oh, my apologies for frightening you ma'am. You're from [school name] right?" The man chuckled.

"U-uhm yeah, I haven't seen you around...What's your name?" You suspected that he went to the same school as you since he had the exact same uniform as you. "Ah, my name is Balladeer but I am commonly referred to as Scaramouche." He responded with confidence in his voice.

The man was slightly taller than you and had beautiful indigo hair aswell as sharp indigo eyes that you could stare at forever. "...Hello???" You snapped back to reality and realised that you were staring at Scaramouche for a while and turned away from him, breaking the eye contact between you two. You felt your body heat up 'Am I blushing?! Oh nonononono, I'm embarrassing myself again. Come on, Y/n keep your cool.' You thought to yourself trying to cool down. Scaramouche didn't seem to be affected with the fact that you were staring at him. "Hah, what's your name?" He said with a smile "Oh uh my name is uhm- Y/n. Y/n L/n." You spoke trying to not sound shakey or a nervous mess.

Scaramouche smirked while getting comfortable on his seat and thus the awkward silence began.

- Time skip : Arriving at school because im lazy af

You and Scaramouche walked to school together. Once again, you glanced at your phone '9:23am...I'm a bit late but I think I can handle it.' You thought to yourself completely forgetting that Scaramouche was literally right next to you. What you didn't realise was that he was staring at you well more like, admiring you.


You sneaked in your class and sat in your seat at the back but your attention was grabbed by the teacher. "Y/n, late again? Seriously? That's the 3rd time this week and it's only Wednesday. " The teacher sighed in disappointment. You started to get nervous when you felt the glares of the other students. It seemed so judgmental...You stood up from your seat and responded with "Yes sir, sorry. I slept past my alarm." Your voice stammered and it so embarrassing, you felt humiliated infront of the entire class. "I'm sure you know what this means, Y/n, i'm going to have to give you detention." You nodded silently before sitting down back on your seat.

You were such a nervous wreck even if someone sliently raises their voice at you, you start to get emotional. That's what you hated the most about yourself. Sigh...

Bell rings

Everyone gets up and gets their things expect for you, why? You were asleep, once again. "Y/n. Wake up, you have detention and you're missing out on half of your lunch." Your teacher lectured you and your eyes slowly opened. Your eyelids were a bit heavy and you felt like you wanted to hit your head on the wall like 20 times.

You yawned and looked up and made eye contact with your teacher. It caught you off guard and kind of scared you. "Y/n. Get to detention now." Your teacher seemed pretty pissed and that was enough of a motive to make you get up and go to detention.


You silently opened the doors and tried to be a bit sly but the creaking door ruined your sneakiness. And guess who you saw there. It was none other then Scaramouche himself. "Hey~ what did you do to get in such trouble?" He spoke. Why did he always speak with such confidence? It make you a bit jealous but you just sighed and sat in the seat next to him. "I'm here because I was late to school 3 days in a row..." You told him not very proud of what you've done. "Hm, intresting." He replied with. "Uhm, Scaramouche?" Your words caused him to turn his head and respond with a "mmm?" telling you to go on. "Why are you here? Is it because you were late aswell?" You tried to keep eye contact with him but you ended up looking away. "Well, yes but no." His answer made you look back at him, your face was blank in confusion.

"Ah, I should elaborate. I was walking to my class until this fucking bitch started to pick a fight with me so I did what any normal student would do." You put a hand up to your chin to show that you were thinking and replied to his narrative with "Uhm, I don't know, tell a teacher about th-" "WRONG" he cut you off and laughed. You stared at him, dumbfounded as he continued on. "I beat the shit out of him, of course." He laughed like a psychopath and you awkwardly laughed too so you didn't ruin the mood. 'Scaramouche seems like the one who fights and bullies any kid as long as he is in the mood...I should avoid him to stop any harm from coming to me.' You thought. "So, I got caught and got in trouble for being late and picking a fight. Now their contacting my parents about it. Such fucking bitches." He ranted to you but it caught you off guard because you thought the conversation was over already. "Haha...Yeah. How unfortunate for you." You awkwardly said while moving your chair silently away from him.

He noticed you being a awkward mess and got up from his seat. "Where are you going?" Your eyes followed him as he walked to the door. "Mm, detention sucks so i'm leaving of course." His back was facing you so you couldn't see what expression he was making but, he was lying, obviously and even you noticed it but you let him go.

-Time skip : After school

It was quiet, too quiet, unusually quiet. Most of the time when you're walking home, it's always noisey but this silence is...Unsettling. You were walking, then jogging and soon enough, running. The silence made you uncomfortable so you wanted to get out of there as soon as possible so you ran straight into a allyway but something made you stop in your tracks.

A feeling, you felt like you were being watched. You gulped as you looked around your surroundings but nothing to be seen. Until you felt something against your legs. Your eyes widened as you started shaking in fear but your fear disappeared when you heard a "meow."

You looked down and realised that this entire time you were being watched by a cat and felt so stupid and embarrassed. Luckily no one was watching you and your stupidity.

The cat was a black cat with gold eyes that could pierce into your soul but it was surprisingly friendly unlike its unfriendly looks. The cat was also wearing a purple collar with the name "Scarlet" on it. You checked the collar and there was a phone number. 'Oh, so it already belongs to someone...' You were kind of sad because of how cute the cat was but you also wondered who it belonged to.

"So the only way to find out is call the number-" You were talking to yourself until you once again got cut off by "SCARLET WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU GO THIS TIME?" You giggled at this interruption and was very amused. 'Looks like I know who this cat belongs to now.' You thought while looking down at the cat rubbing against your legs.

"Welp! Time to go kitty!" You laughed as you picked up the cat and went to where the voice was coming from.

Until you met the person who you least expected.

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