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"You guys work at a fucking strip club?!" Schlatt shouted, sitting up as Noah parked the car behind the club.

Noah snickered. "Work at one? No, man. You got it all wrong. We own the club." He smiled as he turned the car and stepped out. "Come on, Travis is waiting for us in the back."

The six of you stepped out of the car and headed inside, Noah stretched as he walked ahead. "Fellas, welcome to the Lunch Club. First official restaurant combined strip club. That's in this state, at least from what I know."

As you entered you were hit with the loud sound of music as well as a faint smell a smoke. Not exactly cigarette smoke, but just.. smoke of some sort. Of course you all had entered through the back so the main club scene wasn't visible, it seemed to just be an employees room for now.

"Oh, you guys are back!" Travis perked up, a big smile on his face. "I was starting to get worried, it's been.. two hours?"

Cooper chuckled as he walked over, sitting down on a small bench. "It's a long drive, Travis. We had to get there earlier so these assholes wouldn't die."

Though a little confused, Travis seemed understanding. "Oh, okay! Was anyone hurt?"

Nodding slowly, Ted sat down and gave a sigh. "One of those fuckers stabbed me in the arm. Y/N fixed me up pretty good, though. I'll be okay."

While the others began to talk to each other, mainly about the situation, you couldn't help but notice that Charlie was quieter than usually. He sat away from everyone, his knees close to his chest.

"Something wrong?" You asked softly, walking over and taking a seat next to him. "You're being awfully quiet.."

He slowly looked up at you and gripped onto the sleeve of his shirt, before letting out a small sigh. "It's just.. I don't want to deal with him again.." Charlie said with a frown. "He's done so much bad stuff.."

You slowly moved your hand over and carefully rubbed his back. "How bad are we talking..?" You couldn't help but ask.

Staying quiet, Charlie leaned over and laid his head on his shoulder. "Awful.. he's.. he's done so much.. worse than us.." He gripped onto your arm, tears beginning to form in his eyes.

"Shh.." You shushed him softly, carefully resting your head on his. "I'm gonna stop you there. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."

Carefully you ran your fingers through his hair, trying to relax him a bit. He just nodded slowly before cuddling closer to you, his face buried into your arm.

Finally you tuned back into the conversation the other boys were having, hearing Noah speak up. "It's pretty late anyway, we should settle down for the night. Cooper and I will go and get the club shut down. Travis, how about you show these guys to the guest rooms?"

"Guest rooms?" Ted asked as he raised an eyebrow. "You mean the rooms people fuck in?"

Laughing, Cooper turned and walked towards the door. "You guys figure that out!" He said with a smirk, before walking out, Noah following behind him.

Schlatt shivered a bit before standing up. "Fucking hell, those sheets better have been wash or I'm sleeping on the floor."

"Oh, don't worry!" Travis said with a small giggle. "We get them washed or replaced everyday. Just so there's no guest complaints." He hummed, before heading over to the door. "Follow me!"

As Ted and Schlatt followed, you looked over and gently nudged Charlie. "Come on, let's go.. I think all of us need some rest." You said softly.

Nodding slowly, he stood up but tightly held onto your hand. "Will you.. will you stay with me for a bit..? If it's not too much to ask.."

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