Home Sweet Home

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"IS HE BACK?" I ask my older sister, Ruto as she looks through her small telescope. "Yup!" yells Goro, my older brother. I grin. "Last one there is a cucco!" I yell, jumping over the fence. "Kokiri! Get back here you bitch!" says Ruto, rushing after me, her red hair flying behind her. "DAD!" yells Goro, easily running ahead of me. "Nope!" I run as fast as I possibly can, and stop in front of a one eyed man with eight people trailing behind him. "YOU'RE HOME!" I yell as loud as I can. "DAD!" yells Goro again, hugging him. 

"Dad?" asks the one with the blue scarf. "Where have you been?" asks Ruto, hands on her hips. "I've been, traveling sweet heart.... Is your mother home?" she calms down and hugs him. "How was your birthday?" he asks Ruto and Goro. They're twins. Sixteen years old each, and I'm thirteen, almost fourteen.... maybe dad will be here for my birthday. "Mom's home, she's working inside. Come on!" insists Goro, starting to run back to the ranch. Ruto follows him, but I fall back and look at each of the heroes. 

"Hey kid" says the one with the blue scarf. "I have a scarf just like that" I have it in my room, I usually use it as a blanket most of the time. (How does he have that?) "Is that so?" he asks. "What's your name?" I ask, looking up at him. "They just call Captain" I nod slowly. "Who's that?" I ask, pointing to the one with pink hair. "That's Veteran. He's a little...." he rolls his eyes. "He's annoying, don't talk to him, he doesn't like anyone..."

"What about that one?" I point to the one with tattoos on his face. "That's Ranch Hand, he's also a little coo coo...." Ranch Hand stops him. "Stop telling the girl lies. That one can't keep his mouth shut if someone had a gun to his head" he spits out. I laugh. "And I'm not that annoying" says Veteran. "Yes you are" says the one with scars on his face. "What happened to your face?" I ask. He freezes. "Kokiri, that's not nice" says dad, not looking at me. "Okay.... I'll go tell mom your here" I run ahead of them, feeling embarrassed, why can't I keep my mouth shut? 


"Your daughter's definitely something" says Twilight as we sit down in the living room. "Yeah they're.... special" I admit, looking over at Goro, who is holding something above his head and keeping it away from Kokiri. "Goro, you're not five, give your sister's things back" I call over. He smirks. "It's from her boyfriend!" yells Ruto. "He's not my boyfriend!" Kokiri yells at her, red with embarrassment. "No boyfriends" I comment, looking at the three of them. "Fine by me" says Goro. "Or girlfriends" I call as he walks away. Ruto quickly follows. "No dating, until your married" says Malon, ruffling her hair as she walks into the room. "What the hell?" she asks. "You and dad have been dating since you were like... NINE!" A few of the others snicker. "We've been friends since we were nine. We didn't start dating until we were 17" I snap back. 

"Mmm Hmm" she says, opening the letter. "Princess Zelda is doing fine. So is Arthur....." Her brow furrows. "Interesting.... Interesting...." I roll my eyes. "What is it?" asks Malon. "Arthur and Zelda invited me to the castle for a few weeks" she turns to Malon and I. "Can I go?" we look at each other, and then turn back to her. "We'll talk about it" She slams the note of the table and walks away. 

"What was that about?"

"When we say we're gonna talk about it, that means no"

"Why not? It's not like you exactly stayed in one place as a kid" says Warriors. 

"Yeah well, she's not me, and she barely knows how to use a sword"

"MAYBE I WOULD IF YOU WERE AROUND TO TEACH ME!" she yells from upstairs. 

"NO YELLING IN THE HOUSE!" I yell back. 

"Anyways...." says Twilight, trying to change the subject. "We can help out with farm work, if you guys need any help" I stand up. "Of course, we can always use a helping hand....." Malon rolls her eyes. "Now dear. They're are guests, we can't just make them work" I shrug. "They're nine young men and boys with absolutely nothing better to do, of course they'll help." I shoot the others a look. 

"Alright, alright, we'll help" says Warriors, standing up. 

"I'll make a big dinner tonight" says Malon. "And I'll send the twins out to help you"

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