Unholy Closet

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This is gonna be a long a$$ chapter so enjoy ┐('д')┌

Jungkook POV:

I was working in my studio for our upcoming new album, kinda exhausted but not bored with it, The music is really interesting to work on, I guess I'll be working hard for it as always. I'm looking forward for the choreography which Hoseok hyung is working on with our choreographer. He's amazing I swear! Meanwhile Namjoon hyung and Yoongi hyung are working on the lyrics and pddog -nim is producing the music.

I was peacefully working with my random thoughts until I heard my phone ring.


Me: Hello baby

Y/n: My googie, how are you? Did you ate? Have you taken a power nap? Don't overwork yourself! Should I come over for you? Do need food? Should I make it? Jung-

Me: Shhh...calm down missy, I just said hello and you started your never ending bullet train like talks. First of all, I'm really good, I had my lunch, I took rest few hours ago, I'm not overworking and last of all, I'm missing you so much so I need you to come over.

Y/n: I just care about you :(

Me: Like my mom?

Y/n: I'm your girlfriend -_-

Me: More like my mom, come over now, koo misses you ♥️

Y/n: Okay! I'll be there in a few!!

Me: Bbye take care and be careful while you're coming! Luv ya

Y/n: Now you're being my mom, I'll take care of myself, bye! Luv ya more

Call hangs up

Jungkook's POV:

I kept the phone down the desk smiling like an idiot. Yes, I'm seriously an idiot when it comes to her, and her love for me.
She's literally everything I could ask for. I still remember the way she got flustered when we first saw each other. She was the most talented trainee of our agency. Yeah, She was a trainee in HYBE and bang pd nim always talked about her to us, even he was whipped for her (lol)
I was so curious about her and that's how I decided to watch her.


Jungkook's POV:

I finally decided to watch that girl about whom bang pd nim always talked about. I and Hoseok hyung went there. As it's easy for Hoseok hyung to interact with the rest. We stepped in the dance room and saw some girls dancing and rapping and singing, They all halted their work and immediately bowed to us with a "Hello"

Those trainees were super polite and respectful. But, I saw a girl standing at the back fiddling her fingers. Maybe she's y/n? I decided to initiate my convo with her with a smile

Me: umm...Hello miss!

Y/n: H-Hello Jungkook sunbaenim

Me: You know my name?

Y/n: Y-Yeah, I'm an ARMY *smiles*

Me: Wow! Our ARMY training so hard, I'm so impressed.

Y/n: *blushing* Thanks sunbaenim

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