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So boy is standing in a road and he is shouting in his manager because he want to go in meeting but the car was not getting started....and suddenly a small girl running in road .....and she
crashed with a boy and small girl see him and said
Gi : dadaaa
The boy got shock and said
B : baby I am not your dad.....
Gi : please dadaa safe me ...a bad girl want to catch me ...and take my chocolate back....
Then suddenly a beautiful girl came their and said
Girl : Emma baby come here....
So now you get understand that the small girl is Emma and boy is paras Arora and the beautiful girl is only on Jiya shankar
So let starts
Then the paras see the jiyu face and get teary his eyes...and hug the jiya...but jiya 
Pushed him and said
J : who are you ....and how dare to touch me .....
P : me your paro.....did you forget me.....
J : paro.....who is paro....I don't know any paro....get it ....
E : mumma  he is my dad....
P : jiyu it our daughter......
J : no it not our daughter it only my and my husband daughter but he was not yet here he was going in india for some please stay away from my let go....
E : mumma but...
J : I said na ....(with angry face)
E : okk mumma
P : jiyu you are telling lie na don't get married.....she is our daughter...please.....say that....
J : no.......she is not your daughter....(shout)
E : mumma....(sacred)
J : see now baby is also.... scared because of you so please stay from my child....
Baby .... Don't be scared...... come we have to go home ok .....
She take her in arms and while they moving....from their .... suddenly Emma ..shout and said
E : mumma we have to go the house no Moulin Rouge.....
Paras get listened this and ....he get happy....he know that his child was to intelligent ....then paras wiped tear and said....
P : I know jiyu you saying is not true but....she was our daughter....and you doesn't Marry with any one ....I know you angry with me that why say all this thing...... but I take my daughter and my wife back in my life......I love u jiya.....(in his mind)
Suddenly paras manger said ....
Ma : sir car get repair....and we have to go in meeting....
P : meeting we are going in house no 12 in Moulin Rouge....
Ma : but sir ...
P : it my order .....
Ma : ok...sir.....
.how was the first part.....If you like it please appreciate it ...

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