Chapter 16

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Jimin was worried; he didn't think his heat would come up so unexpectedly and so quickly, but he couldn't stop it from happening. So the only thing the bunny hybrid could do was prepare for it. The omega sighed and walked into his room, the other parts of the dorm deserted. His room weren't here currently; Chuu went to Yves house and Wonho went somewhere else so they wouldn't be here if Jimin's heat hit earlier than usual. Jungkook was busy with Hoseok eating out as well, so Jimin was alone until his heat was over with.
      The gray haired rabbit then walked to his closet, picking out the outfit to go to the store in to search for blankets for his nest. Jimin picked out a large grey hoodie, black jeans, and simple white fluffy slippers. He wanted something comfortable so he wouldn't strain himself so close to his heat. He grabbed his phone and his wallet laying on the bedside drawer, and he walked out of his room to get to his bathroom to freshen up before heading out. He fluffed up his hair a bit, and brushed his teeth, bring careful not to hit his crooked tooth in the front so he wouldn't chip it again.
Once he was done with everything, Jimin walked out of his dorm room, locking the door behind him. But then, before he could even think to walk away from his front door, he bumped into two familiar figures and they all fell to the ground with matching grunts.
What are they doing here???

Taehyung begged Namjoon to see Jimin earlier then what they had planned so they could apologize to the bunny hybrid early, and Namjoon caved in and agreed, also wanting to apologize. So they drove to Jimin, Wonho, and Chuu's apartment complex, asking for the dorm room number from the secretary, which they gave to Namjoon and Taehyung.
They walked up the stairs to knock on his door, anticipation running through their veins and their alphas excited beyond measure. But as soon as they made it to Jimin's dorm, the door suddenly opened and Jimin, Taehyung, and Namjoon all fell to the ground with surprised yells. Taehyung quickly got back up, helping Namjoon up then Jimin.
       "Are you ok Jimin?" Namjoon asked, and Jimin weakly nodded. But the bunny froze once the two wolves began to sniff the air, and their eyes landed on the hybrid in front of them. "Wait.....Jimin, are you about to start your heat soon?? Your scent is abnormally stronger...!"
       "And that's why you haven't been to class in a couple of days??" Taehyung's eyes widened, and Jimin flushed all the way down under his hoodie. "Because of your heat?!"
       "Yes! I'm about to start my heat! Now can we please stop talking about this because I'm getting embarrassed..." the omega replied with a small pout. "I was about to go to the store to get some stuff for my nest before it hit so I don't have to worry about it..."
       "Wait what?!! Jimin you can't go alone!" Taehyung protested, "People, especially alphas, are fucking crazy around here. Once they get one sniff of you and your heat scent, they'll be all over you like vampires seeking out fresh blood! Look-let us come with you and protect you so nothing happens. Please?"
       "We'll protect you better than we tried to in the...." Namjoon started to say, but stopped his train of thought and glanced at his boyfriend, who froze. "Never mind."
      "Why did you come here?" Jimin asked, ignoring both of their questions. "I thought you were avoiding me or something..."
       "We were at first..." the taller alpha sighed. "But we came here to apologize for how we've been acting around you and how we've been treating you lately."
      "Baekhyun said something to us..." Taehyung gulped, his cedarwood scent spiking, and Jimin shivered. "...It made us we needed a breather for a bit."
"But what about me?" Jimin said, making the two froze. "He attacked me, I got stabbed, and I was in the fucking hospital! For a week! You never visited me at all...and you avoided me as soon as I got out. How do you think that makes me feel? You can't just come here and try to talk to me thinking that will magically make me not mad at you both. And I'll admit, I'm happy to see you guys. But you guys really hurt my feelings..without even telling me what I did wrong. I walked around for days thinking about what I possibly did wrong for you guys to not talk to me and to avoid me." the omega looked to the two alphas, who were looking down in shame. "I'm still a little upset, but you can come with me to pick out some stuff."
"We did visit you though!" Taehyung blurted out, and Jimin glanced at the taller. "We went there so many times....but we chickened out."
"We were scared that you were going to be upset with us..." Namjoon looked down at his feet. "We wanted to rip Baekhyun to shreds in that bathroom, but we were terrified that he was going to hurt you. And....we're wolves. Wolves don't associate themselves with prey hybrids. No one wants us around because we're predator hybrids."
"Everyone hates predator hybrids." Taehyung huffed.
"Baekhyun and his friends used to bully us and Yoongi a lot. He said some really fucked up shit to us...a lot is crap that still sticks to us now. We're scared to hurt you Jimin..." Namjoon sniffed a bit, and Taehyung nodded. "We're sorry..."
"But.....I'm not scared of you guys.." Jimin said, surprising Namjoon and Taehyung.
"What do you mean??" Namjoon asked.
"Exactly what I mean. I'm not scared of you guys, so why do his words matter?? You guys are really important to me...fuck what Baekhyun and his dick headed friends say. And he's a little hypocrite; he's a predator hybrid too! Now come on; let's go already!! I don't have all day for this blanket you know."

Namjoon and Taehyung walked on the left and right of Jimin as the omega searched through blankets, happily humming to himself. If Jimin was being completely honest with himself, he forgave the two wolves as soon as they showed up at his door. But he wanted to give them a hard time and to show them that it's not nice to ignore people. But the way they opened up to him...Jimin fell in love a little bit more. And yea he'll admit it to himself; he's in love with Namjoon and Taehyung. But he'll never tell them that.
       So his scent was happy the whole time he was shopping with the two alphas, ignoring the growls here and there coming from them. But the omega started to pay attention when they suddenly got closer to him, and Taehyung's hand landed on his scent gland, rubbing his cedarwood wood scent onto it and mixing their scents together.
      "You ok?" Namjoon asked, and Jimin looked up at the older. "You're not feeling too overwhelmed yet? You hungry? You don't mind that we're scenting you right...?"
      "I'm hungry now that I'm thinking about it...but I'm ok! I don't mind that you guys are scenting's actually making me calm..." Jimin replied, and Namjoon nodded as his own hand started rubbing at Jimin's scent gland. Now the omega smelled like he was taken, so other alphas would hopefully back off. The omega's knees were weak, but the hands on his lower back anchored him to the ground. "What....what will we eat?"
"Anywhere you want to Jimin." Taehyung replied deeply, both him and Namjoon's alphas deeply affected by the pre-heat scent emanating from the bunny. "Where do you want to eat, omega.?"
"I-I..." Jimin stuttered, his scent spiking higher. Which accidentally made Namjoon growl, and they all froze. "Joonie hyung..."
     "I'm so sorry!" Namjoon flushed heavily, his whole face red. "I-I didn't mean to growl I swear!"
     "It was just you scent smells really good! And I couldn't control myself....I-"
     "HYUNG!!" Jimin yelled, getting the attention of the alphas, and some other people around them. "Calm down; it's ok. See? Do you see me upset??"
     ".....No..." Namjoon gulped, putting his hands in his jacket pockets.
     "Then don't worry hyung! Plus....I like it when you guys are overprotective of me like makes me feel wanted..." Taehyung and Namjoon both blushed, their scans pleased and happy.
     "Come on Jiminie let's go to the food court!" Taehyung grinned, grabbing Jimin and Namjoon's hands and dragging them away from the store. "We'll be back for blankets later!" That decision which they'll come to regret...

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