Your New Family

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You lay down on the far left of the bed, to prevent Darkness from having any wrong ideas. She keeps turning and moving around, you stay still and refuse to look in her direction but curiosity gets to you. As you turn to her you see her face making a distressed look, you get closer to her and she suddenly starts crying.

Y/n: (You whisper) D-darkness? Are you alright?

Darkness: (She moves her head around and groans softly)

Y/n: (You sigh) [Out of all nights] (You pull her to the center of the bed and shake her) Darkness, wake up, you’re having a nightmare.

Darkness: (She wakes up and tries to punch you) Gah!

Y/n: (You prepare yourself for the blow and close your eyes but don’t feel anything) D-darkness? (You open your eyes and peek, only to see her swinging her arms around but not landing any hits)

Darkness: Umph! H-hah! (She keeps swinging)

Y/n: D-darkness? I-it’s me.

Darkness: H-huh? (She stops swinging and looks at you) W-what happened?

Y/n: I-I don’t know, you were crying and fighting in your sleep. I-I just wanted to make sure you’re alright.

Darkness: I-it was just a nightmare. (She wipes her face) Y-you can let my shoulders go now. Pervert…

Y/n: (You let her go and flick her forehead) I-I wasn’t being a pervert! I was just helping.

Darkness: T-The way you gripped on my shoulders made me think you were u-up to something. A-and even if you were, why would you wake me up! I-I was so vulnerable and defenseless in my sleep, you would be able to geta way with your perverted needs without anyone noticing, not even me-

Y/n: (You flick her forehead harder) You pervert, you just want me to do dirty things to you!

Darkness: (She stays quiet and looks away) N-no!

Y/n: (Sigh) Pervert

Darkness: (She blushes and turns away) G-good night!

Y/n: G-good night (You turn away)


You wake up and see darkness all over the bed, even her leg is on you,

Y/n: (Groan) Darkness wake up you’re killing me...  (You shake her leg)

Darkness: (Snoring and grunting) h-haaah~

Y/n: (You slap her leg) Darkness!

Darkness: H-huh!? (She sits up and looks at your hand) W-what are you doing with my leg you pervert!

Y/n: What do you mean what am I doing! You’re the one that put your leg one me!

Darkness: I-I Darkness have fallen victim to your desires! (She pulls her leg off and covers herself)

Y/n: D-darkness I didn’t do anything I swear! (You sit up)

Darkness: I-I guess I do owe you the money you loaned me; a single leg won’t do anything! (She lays down looking vulnerable) D-do whatever you must!

Y/n: H-hey calm down I won’t do anything! (You back away)

Darkness: I-I know your desires are dark! Juts complete t-them!

Y/n: Y-you pervert! (You get up)

Someone opens the door

Kazuma: Hey good morning guys, breakfast is almost- (He looks at both of you) What are you doing!

Darkness: I-I need to repay him for t-the favor he did for me!

Y/n: I didn’t ask for this! She just woke up and started doing weird things!

Kazuma: Darkness stop being weird! (He walks out slamming the door)

Darkness: I-I apologize for offering myself to your desires.

Y/n: N-no need, it was just awkward (You mumble) pervert

Darkness: C-can you step out; I need to change… u-unless you wish to shower me with your deviant glance… (She starts unbuttoning her shirt)

Y/n: I-I’ll be going! (You get up and run out and to the livingroom)

Megumin: Good morning, why do you look traumatized?

Y/n: Y-you won’t get it kid

Megumin: I-I’m not a kid! I’m already 16!

Y/n: (You giggle) That’s still a kid, plus you- wait isn’t that Kazumas shirt?

Megumin: (She looks down at what she’s wearing) G-Gah! (She covers herself and runs down the hallway and into a room)

Aqua: (She walks in yawning) Is Kazuma ready?

Y/n: Oh? Kazuma? Yeah, I think he’s in the kitchen.

Aqua: (Yelling) Kazuma!! (She walks away)

You’re standing there confused when you feel someone poking your back

Y/n: Huh? (You turn to see who it is)

Darkness: U-uh hey, (She hands me a ring) I wanted to give you this ring, it raises your defense stats. Mine are already maxed out, so I thought you would make good use of it.

Y/n: T-thank you (I take the ring) b-but how am I supposed to check if stats are raised?

Darkness: You check your character card and it’s supposed to show you all your stats

Y/n: [So that’s what that card is for] (You take out your card) This?

Darkness: Y-yes, just put on the ring and check your stats.

Y/n: (You check your stats before and after putting the ring on) Woah, it raises it from 20 to 45. That’s amazing! [Its almost like a Pokémon Game. HP, attack, defense, speed, special abilities and other things]

Darkness: I knew you would like it, let’s go, we have a mission.

Y/n: Mission? What mission?

Darkness: O-oh! Sorry, I-I forgot you’re not part of our team.

Y/n: w-wait keep talking, I don’t have a team (You rub the back of your head) C-can I join yours?

Darkness: I-I’m not the team leader, you’ll have to consult Kazuma about that

Y/n: Alright then, I’ll ask him right now!

You dart off into the kitchen to see Kazuma casually making some coffee.

Y/n: Hey Kazuma?

Kazuma: Yeah, what’s up? (Sips)

Y/n: I wanted to ask you- (He sips) to ask you if I could- (He sips) please stop that

Kazuma: Stop what? (He sips louder)

Y/n: Just- Just stop sipping like that-

Kazuma: Like this? (He sips even louder)

Y/n: Stop!

Kazuma laughs and slams his cup on the table

Kazuma: OK ok but seriously, do you really want to join our team? Useless goddess? One shot mage? Aimless human shield? Me???

Y/n: Now that you said it like that, it seems like you need me…

Kazuma: (under his breath) we do…

Y/n: It’s official then, I’m part of your team!

Kazuma: Beer and food to celebra-

Aqua: Hurry up or we’ll be late!

You both: Coming!

You all walk out to pay a visit to the adventurers guild when you suddenly remember about your armor and weapons!

Y/n: Damnit! My shit!

Your New life with DarknessKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat