Ch. 6: Huggy, Be Free

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You get inside the factory and you walk to the room where you first spotted Huggy as he stood there like a statue. You walk over to the empty stand and you sit down. Mindy sits with you and you take your backpack off of your back.

You unzip it and you pull out a bottle of booze Mindy put in there. Mindy says, "Hand me a couple of CDs out of there." You say, "Which ones?" She says, "Surprise me." You get out a few. Days Of The New and Soundgarden. Mindy takes them and says, "Alright. Cool." 

She grabs the boombox and walks over to an outlet. She sets the boombox down and she plugs it into the wall. She gets out the Soundgarden CD and she puts it in the CD player. She closes the little door and presses play.

She turns the dial to the volume up and she gets it on the song Spoonman. You grin. She walks over to you and she sits next to you. She says, "Open that Hooch up." You open it and you take a drink. She takes it and takes a drink as well.

You both sing, "Spoonman! Come together with your hands! Save me! I'm together with your plans. Save me..." You sigh and you sit back, drinking the bottle of Hooch. You hand Mindy the bottle. You lay back on the platform Huggy was standing when you guys first arrived there. Mindy says, "You'll see him. He's here." 

From a distance, Huggy can hear rock music playing and he looks that direction. He walks towards the sound to find it. He gets down a hallway and he gets closer. He finds you and Mindy where he was standing when you guys first arrived. He smiles and he walks closer.

You hear this, "(Y/N)." You look to your right and you see Huggy. You smile and you say, "Huggy. There you are." Mindy says, "Hey, Huggy." Huggy ducks down and he faces you. You say, "Huggy. I have something to ask you." He says, "Yes?" Mindy says, "Tell him." 

He says, "Tell me what? (Y/N), what is it?" You say, "Huggy... How would you like to leave the factory... tonight?" He gasps. You say, "You heard me. You're able to leave, aren't you?" He says, "Y-yes. Poppy told me I am." Mindy says, "Where's Poppy at?" Huggy says, "She's here... She's in a different part of this place." 

Mindy says, "Be ready tonight, Huggy. You won't be able to fit in my car now since you're too tall. But you could walk there." You look at Huggy and you say, "It'll be an apartment complex. Rolling Waters Apartments. Apartment 24. It's located upstairs." He repeats it saying, "Rolling Waters... Apartment 24. Upstairs." 

Mindy says, "At night, Huggy. No offense dude, but if they see a giant stuffed toy walk the streets during the day, they'll think the rapture is here. Like you're something possessed by a demon." Huggy says, "Okay. Night it is. Least likely to be spotted." 

You hold your hand out and you say, "You can live with me again, Huggy. I'll have my childhood toy with me again. And my mom won't be there to get rid of you this time." He takes your hand. Mindy says, "He'll be on his knees the entire time, though. We don't have high walls like this factory does." 

You say, "Be out at around midnight or later. Best time for the streets to be empty. Head to our apartment. Remember it?" He says, "Rolling Waters. 24. Upstairs." You smile and you say, "Good. I just want you out, Huggy." He says, "And... I can live with you again. My best human friend." Mindy says, "We'll keep you as long as we can, Huggy. Be with (Y/N) once again."


Later on, you get to the front doors and you say, "I'm leaving these doors opened, so he can get out easily. They get stuck sometimes. I would know. I struggle getting out these doors sometimes." Mindy says, "Just break the windows." You say, "Yeah. I could do that too."

You look around and you suddenly spot a lead pipe. You say, "Oh hey. Here we go." You grab the pipe and you say, "Alright. This is all for Huggy." You hit the window at least seven times and you break it, shattering the glass. Now there's enough space for him to get out. Mindy says, "Come on. Let's get home. He'll arrive later." 

You and Mindy walk out through the now shattered window and you leave the property. You get out of the gate and you both get in Mindy's car. She sits behind the wheel and she starts the car. You smile and you say, "I'll finally have my Huggy Wuggy back with me." Mindy says, "Yeah. After thirteen long years, huh?" You say, "Yeah." You both take off.


Later on at night, Huggy Wuggy makes it into the lobby and he looks ahead to see the front door. He notices one has a broken window. He approaches it and he says, "The... The window's busted. That means... I can get out with ease." 

He steps through the door where the window is no longer there. He looks around. He's outside now. He says, "Here it is... What I haven't seen in so long. The world." He walks away from the building and to the gate. He climbs over the concrete fence and he gets on the other side. He says, "Here I come, (Y/N)." He walks off into the dark to look for your place.

He continues walking until he finds apartments. The sign reads Rolling Waters Apartments. He smiles and says, "I found it." He walks along the parking lot and he approaches your apartment building. He walks upstairs and he walks down until he sees the number 24. He stops there and he looks at your door.

Right inside the apartment, you're in your room. Your radio is on and it's playing a new song by the band Chumbawamba. Tubthumping. You took a liking to it and you say, "Hey. I like this." You move your head a bit to the song.

There's a sound of knocking on the front door. You hear your sister yelling, "(Y/N)! Come out here!" You get up and you turn your radio off. You walk out of your room and you get in the living room. You gasp. There he is. Huggy Wuggy.

You say, "Huggy! Get in here." He crawls in and Mindy shuts and locks the door. You run over and you hug him. He smiles and pulls you in for a hug saying, "My (Y/N). I'm back with you again." You say, "Exactly what I was gonna say. You're back with me." Mindy says, "Huggy. You can stay in the living room if you want. Or (Y/N)'s room." 

He says, "(Y/N)'s." You giggle a bit and you say, "Alright. You can stay in my room, Huggy." You knew he'd have to stay sitting or crawling since he's way too tall to stand in your apartment with ceilings too low. He could fit in your apartment at least. Mindy says, "Huggy. We're hiding you from others. The world's not as great as you think." 

He sighs and says, "I know. I figured that out when your mom threw me out. Because I was ugly." You say, "Huggy. You're not ugly." He looks at you. You say, "You were mine. Still are. I thought you were the best thing I've ever owned. I just didn't realize how cruel my mom was. How shallow she was, too. I found out before from my dad himself that he was once a lifeguard with a great figure and a lot of money. That's why my mom married him."

Mindy says, "I knew that. He told me that too. So apparently, mom was a gold digger, as well. She doesn't even deserve Poppy and she loved HER more than she loved US." You say, "Still. I don't get why mom was such a horrible woman when grandma, her mom was great to us and loved us. Maybe grandpa was horrible before he killed himself by the time mom was only fifteen years old? I don't know. Doesn't matter. I've got my Huggy Wuggy back." You look at Huggy and you say, "Huggy. There should be enough space for you to lay on my floor in my room." He smiles.

Reconciled (Huggy Wuggy x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن