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(February 1, 2022) Happy Valentine's Month, everyone! Scroll down to see the fun prompt our community has worked on in honor of this loving holiday ❞


For this holiday, we have included two fun, amazing prompts! You may only choose to do one, and both will have their separate winners. Please remember to abide by the rules/requirements/restrictions and have fun!

Prompt One: Romantic Playlist

Create a playlist of a wide variety of romantic songs! The songs on the playlist do not have to be from one genre only - you are allowed to go crazy and mix it all up!


━ (1) ❝ There must be a minimum of eighteen songs on the playlist. If you want to add more, the maximum amount of songs you are allowed to add are thirty

━ (2) ❝ Make sure to name the playlist something that coincides with the songs you have picked ❞

Prompt Two: Couples' Bucket List

Create a bucket list of fun activities for couples! But not just any bucket list - this bucket list must be in the form of a graphic design! You must list out all the activities you've gathered, and may include any other images/elements.


━ (1) ❝ The size of the graphic must be 370 x 320 pixels or anything else that fits that ratio ❞

━ (2) ❝ There must be a minimum of seven activities on the bucket list. If you want to add more, the maximum amount of activities you are allowed to add are twelve

━ (3) ❝ Include your watermark on the graphic as well as text that reads: The Lost Assassin Festival - it does not have to be extremely big ❞

━ (4) ❝ Please be aware of the images/elements you use, as we will screen your graphic for any copyrighted images. Remember - Google, Pinterest, WeHeartIt, Tumblr, etc. are not credible websites to get your images from ❞


(Prompt One) ❝ List all the songs of the playlist on a Google Doc along with the artist. You may choose to send us a link to the playlist if you like (eg, Spotify, Musi, etc.) but you must list the songs on a Google Doc and send the link to us through PM ❞

(Prompt Two) ❝ Upload the graphic design to your Google Drive and share the link with us through PM. We have our own preview so there will not be a need to use your own ❞


As we will be hosting a separate activity for another event this month, the timeline for this activity will be a short one. To give you a brief explanation, here is the timeline:

(Sunday, January 30 - Saturday, February 5) ❝ Entries submissions ❞

(Sunday, February 6 - Saturday, February 12) ❝ Judging period ❞

(Monday, February 14) ❝ Results ❞

Therefore, the deadline to submit entries is: Saturday, February 5.

Please note that this is all based on EST time (eastern standard time), as the host is on this time.

Ask away in an inline comment!

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