An Adventure In This New World

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You sit in a chair, alone, rubbing your head and wondering how you got there. You turn your head to the sound of footsteps approaching.

???: Welcome, lost soul. I am here to guide you into a new world.

You try to get up but feel as if your knees refuse to obey.

Y/n: W-who are you and what am I doing here!

???: Fear not, my name is Eris, the Goddess of luck and fortune, I will help you find a new path in a new world.

Y/n: That doesn't answer my question, why am I here!

She crosses her arms and looks directly at you

Eris: Stop this rude behavior and let me explain what happened to you.

You sit back and relax a bit, waiting for her explanation.

Eris: You sacrificed yourself to save a number of eighty-seven lives a few minutes ago, something a twenty-four year old person wouldn't do. You are now here where you will be awarded for your sacrifice and sent to another world where you will keep living your young life, just a little different.

Your eyes get watery as you look down at the floor, you cannot believe what happened. You are dead, no longer in the world you were used to.

Eris: Do not be disappointed, you did the right thing, now you will be granted two things to help you in the other world.

You clean your face as you sit back up, trying not to let the sadness take over you, you speak.

Y/n: What will be my reward for my sacrifice, if I may know.

Eris: You will be granted one ability and one item of your choice to take to the new world you will be sent to.

Y/n: Anything?

Eris: Anything

You rub your chin as you think of what powerful item and ability you could take from the real world to get through this new life you are about to embark on.

Y/n: I have decided

Eris: Yes, what will it be?

Y/n: The item I will take will be the mighty Storm-breaker from The avengers character Thor, and the ability will be superhuman strength.

She snaps her fingers and you feel a tingling sensation in your body

Eris: It is granted, now be off fellow adventurer, enjoy yourself in the new world!

Magical writing appears under your seat and everything starts to disappear until all you see is white.

You find yourself getting off a carriage and you instinctively know you where you have to go.

Y/n: If I didn't know better this is more like a medieval game, like those I spent hours playing as an early teenager.

As you walk into the Adventures Guild everyone looks at you. You walk forward to the counter to sign up as a swordsman, even though you weild an axe.

As you pay your registration fee from the money you got by selling a gold ingot you spawned with, you immediately get accepted by the worker.

Luna: My oh my, your strength and resistance are way above average, one might even call it amazing!

Y/n: T-thank you ma'am.

You take your card and proceed to head out when you bump into this team of adventures.

Y/n: Excuse me, sorry I wasn't looking where I was going.

???: Aqua stop whining and keep moving, yeah sorry for bumping into you.

You feel as if you are destined to join their team but you feel as if you should just leave. You take the chance of free will and walk out.

Y/n: Now, what is a quick way I could make some money around here.

You walk across town, keeping an eye out for any place that may need a worker, when suddenly from the corner of your eye you see this sign. "Bring us some ore and earn some quick cash!". You walk up to the store and ask for details about the job.

Worker: Good day sir, how may I be of assistance?

Y/n: I saw the sign outside and was wondering what I needed to do to get the job.

Worker: Of course sir, you see, there are nearby caves and mountains filled with ores of different metals and jewls. For every piece you bring its a specific amount of Eris you will get.

Y/n: Eris huh? Thats the name of the currency. I'll take the job.

Worker: Wonderful! Take these and collect as much as your heart desires.

He hands you two sturdy sacks, a hammer and chisel. You walk out of the store and make your way to the caves to mine some fresh ore.

After a few hours of mining you walk back to the store with both sacks filled with ore.

Y/n: Who knew Storm-breaker would help with this job so much.

You walk into the shop and hand over your sacks of ore and tools. The worker stumbles back in amazement of how much ore you have collected.

Worker: Young man this is amazing! No one has ever brought both sacks filled with ore as you have!

You quietly giggle in embarrassment as everyone looks at you and cheers at your achievement. You look over to the price chart and check the prices for the ores.

100 Eris per copper ingot
1,000 Eris per silver ingot
50,000 Eris per gold ingot
20,000,000 per mithril ingot

Worker: (Gasps and steps back) Young man do you have any idea what you have found?!

Says the worker, looking wide eyed and amazed.

Y/n: No sir I am not familiar with any of those ores.

He takes out a piece of rock about the size of a fist and cracks it open, revealing a white reflective glass looking stone.

Worker: You have found mithril dear man!

The worker proceeds to break off the rock and weigh the ore on a small scale.

Worker: One million, seven hundred, sixty three eris for this chunk of mithril, boy!

Everyone cheers as the worker keeps breaking and measuring ores, when from the corner of your eye you see the the team of adventures from earlier. They smile at you and make their way out of the shop, now you know you must follow them. You collect your astonishing 3,280,340 Eris in your pouch and run out to catch up to them.

As you step out you notice they are no where to be seen, as if they vanished into thin air.

Y/n: Damnit, too slow. Anyways, time to find a hotel to stay in, don't want night to fall without a place to sleep.

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