Chapter 1

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I DO NOT OWN NARUTO.. sadly... OR GAARA... *anime cries* But of course I own Rai, Mao, Sora, and Kosuke c:

Chapter 1:


"MAO ARE YOU SURE WERE GOING TO IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION?" Sora asked while dodging kunais. Man this is such a drag. We're currently being chased by ninjas that wants to destroy us.. Fun isn't it? NO ._.

"NO BUT YES." Mao yelled. WAIT WHAT?! I sighed slightly. Never trust Mao with directions, never. Though again, Mao is probably the only one who would be able to follow directions. Which is actually very surprising considering she's not the smartest one........

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT SUPPOSE TO MEAN?!" Kosuke yelled while running faster.

"I'M FOLLOWING MOMS DIRECTION BUT I DON'T KNOW." Mao replied grabbing out two kunais and throwing it behind us. We hear the sound of the kunais piercing a body.

Well.. Mom's direction was very unclear. Basically telling us we needed to run for our lives or we were gonna die, it was exactly like that. 

"RAI." Sora yelled. I nodded, we needed a distraction so that we'll actually make it to the village.

"GUYS, I'M RUNNING OUT OF CHAKRA." Mao screamed. She slowed down a bit. Sora sighed.

"This is why you shouldn't go all out with your crystals." Kosuke mumbled. Someone had to stay and slow them down, other wise we wouldn't make it. Looks like it's my turn. Joy.

"It's my turn. Soooo I advise you guys to run like you never ran before." I said with a slight smirk . Sora and Kosuke worked together to hold Mao up and nodded. "Make sure you catch up okay?" Sora said. I smirked and nodded.

"I'll probably beat you guys to the village." I said while grabbing kunais. To beat these ninjas weren't really a problem at all, though we still needed to rest. Such a drag isn't it? Hopefully the village isn't too far away.

"Yeah right." Kosuke said snapping me out of my thoughts. I stuck my tongue out at him, have some faith in me child. Kosuke just laughed and smirked at me.

"I'm pretty sure we're near, Sora you can use your byakugan." Mao said. Sora nodded and activated her byakugan.

"YES! WE'RE ALMOST THERE! IT RIGHT THERE UP AHEAD." Sora laughed. Mao cheered and grinned. Kosuke smiled widely. Man finally.

"You better go, they're catching up. I can feel their chakra. I'll cover you guys." I said while twirling the kunais around my finger.

Their chakra wasn't at it's full point so that's good, though mine wasn't either. Luckily I'm able to restore my chakra pretty fast though.

"YOU BETTER CATCH UP OR I'M BEATING YOUR LITTLE BUTT." Mao yelled. I sighed and looked at my butt, it's not that small is it? Oh well... The ninjas who killed my parents are surrounding me. About five of them are still alive. We had twenty of them after us. Getting famous eh?

"Really? Never knew how awesome we were. Taking out 15 ninjas, even with low charka." I said. as I crossed my arms, kunais still around my finger. The ninjas all surrounded me. I couldn't really see where they were from, also they had their face covered.

"Kid, we got you surrounded." One of the ninja sneered. I shot them a lazy smile before replying.

"Oh really?" I asked. I closed my eyes and focused my chakra.

"This is going to be easy" I said as I got into a battle stance. All the ninjas laughed, I laughed along before stopping abruptly.

"I wouldn't be laughing if I was you." I reopened my eyes seeing them all on the ground.. dead.. Oh wow. That was easy. I shrugged as I searched each ninjas quickly.

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