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I fell hard for you so yea i overthink a lot.

Overthinking in my brain. Can be as simple as you being busy and me thinking you're ignoring me.

Wondering if I'm good enough and I don't think all ever be enough nah not for you you're perfect.

I often seek out reassurance if I feel like u don't want me?.. ig..

Being scared to send something I feel I need to talk to you about and ending up deleting it cuz I don't want it to upset you.

It's hard communication means a shit ton to overthinkers we ask stupid questions or questions that we shouldn't even be thinking about like

Do you love me?
Am I enough?
Am I pretty enough for him or does he think I'm pretty?
Does he actually like my body

Stupid little questions like that
And if we do that it means u have a special place to us.

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