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Itadori tightly gripped his fist, eventually throwing a punch at Y/n who easily dodged it.

"You're getting sloppy my friend." They teased, proceeding to dodge his strikes.

Itadori smirked before faking out a hit, chopping them in the side, and punching them in the gut, causing Y/n to lightly grunt.

"Shit! Did I get you too hard?"

"Nope!" Y/n faked the grunt, taking his arm, turning him around to put him in a headlock.

"AlrightAlright! You win!" He pleaded.

"That gut punch got me good. It doesn't take much to heal with some aids, Yuuji." They smiled, tightening their hold.

"I call out!" He begged.

"Damn, Y/n." Yuka marked on a piece of paper.

"At least go easy on him?"

"Nah, I'm good."
"Yuuji's getting the hang of it, I can tell. He's a quick learner, but not fast enough to easily predict my moves."

"But I can with other people."

"And that's what makes you special." Y/n smiled, drinking some of their water.

"I bet if Maki walked in here right now, you would be predictable." Yuka covered up his snickering with his clipboard.

"Don't being her into this!" Y/n whined.

"Ooo! We're talking about Maki?"

"No!" Y/n spoke.

"Don't listen to them, let's change the topic to Maki." Yuka smiled.

"No, Yuka."

"You know you wanna~!"

"I will hit you."

"...The sky is looking mighty bright today, right Yuuji?"

"I'm not participating in your actions to get your consequences. So I'm gonna stay quiet." He looked in the opposite direction.

"Wow, what a friend you are."
"What happened to friends give friends a hand?"

Y/n chuckled watching their two best friends go back and forth, but they were still distracted by something. After sharing that little moment with Mai, they were worried they'd start liking the sister of the woman they really loved, not even knowing if it was possible or not, it still bothered them because they always had feelings for Maki and never anyone else.

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