Engagement party

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    "Jisung is everything okay?" Mrs Lee asked.

   "Uhm, yeah. I need to talk to Felix."  Jisung nodded walking back upstairs.

   Jisung opened the door and Felix was on his bed playing on his phone.

   "You need to go." Jisung stated.

   "What?! No." Felix spoke.

   Jisung pulled his phone out opening an attachment from minho.

   "What the fuck." Jisung muttered.

   "What is it?" Felix questioned.

   "Minho got an invitation too."

   "Well, he is Hyunjin's friend." Felix stated.

   "Well yeah, but his is different. His has his address and it doesn't address him like yours does." Jisung told him.

  "What do you mean.?" Felix asked.

  "At the end of your letter it say 'We hope to see you there Mr Lee Felix'. Minho's doesn't have anything like that it is a simple invitation. This was sent as a taunt. From who I am not sure but,  whoever sent this doesn't think you'll actually come." Jisung stated.

    "Why would they want to taunt me that makes no sense."

   "Because whoever it is knows that you have feelings for Hyunjin." Jisung told the younger.

   "Yeah, well he doesn't like me." Felix scoffed.

    "How are you so sure?" Jisung questioned.

   "Because he told me he hates me. He told me I meant nothing to him, that what happened with us was a mistake." Felix told Jisung. 

   "Wait, hold on what?"

   "That is why came to your dorm that day." Felix looked at his fingers playing with the rings on them.

    "You are going to this party and you are going to look like the baddest bitch there." Jisung stated.

    "Fine, but you are going with me."

   "No, I am going with Minho. You are going with Taehyung." Jisung smiled.

    "Why Taehyung?" Felix asked.

   "Just because." Jisung smiled.

   Because Hyunjin and Taehyung have bad blood and I don't actually think Hyunjin meant what he said.

    June 25

  Felix was nervous. Jisung was over now helping Felix pick out an outfit. The dress code was formal but casual.

    "This, this, and this." Jisung threw the outfit on Felix's bed.

   Felix looked at the outfit. There was a lot of white. A white formal looking skirt with a white button up and a white beret.

   "This is a lot of white." Felix noted.

  "Yup, you are going to wear your white combat boots with it." Jisung smiled. 

    Felix nodded.

   "Taehyung will be here in an hour to pick you up. Remember to try to act like a couple. Okay, I love you see you in a bit." Jisung smiled leaving.

   Felix sighed looking at the clothes.

  "Maybe this is a bad idea.." Felix muttered.

   He shook his head.

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