Katelyn's POV

Why are we going to the hospital? We're not visiting any children today. We're off duty. Harry even take some time off from his military career just to spend some quality time with me and teach me what a Princess needs to know.

Since we're not on duty, I get to dress down. Back in Nashville, I always dress down. I change into a white long-sleeve shirt and put a pink jacket to complete the look and a pair of white flat boots. The weather is chilling these days. "Ready?" Harry asks as he is already in his dark green jumper. "Yeah, I'm ready," I take my scarf which Niall gave me as a Christmas present last year.

We hop into Harry's Mercedes as head to King Edward Hospital. As we hop off from the car, the paparazzi are outside. Why are the paparazzi doing here? Harry and I are about to go in. The press scream our names "Harry, Katelyn!" One of the paparazzi even asks this very annoying question:"Katelyn, is it true you are dating BTR's lead singer Kendall Schdmit? Is he going to be in the Royal family?" Excuse me, please don't cross over the line! Especially with my personal life.

Harry and I just walk in as if we didn't hear the media's questions. We ask one of the doctors where is Kate's room. As we reach her room, Wills greets me with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Glad you two came, we made the announcement hours ago," Wills says. No wonder the news spread like lightning! "Katelyn, you're going to be an aunt because you're sister-in-law is pregnant," Wills looks lovingly at his wife.

"Are you pulling my leg?" I ask. "No sis, it's true!" Wills assures me. Wow, someone is already into fatherhood. I'm speechless, it takes a few seconds to recover. Me, going to be an aunt at the age of 18, when the baby is born. "Congratulations to you both! You really did surprise me Wills," I say giving a playful nudge. "That's why I told Harry to bring you along as well!" Harry knew all this time? Why he didn't tell me? "Harry, why you didn't tell me?" I ask. "Well it's your brother who asked me to keep the news as a surprise," Harry says.

Soon after, the Middletons come in. "Mum, Dad, this is Katelyn, my long lost sister," Wills introduces me to Kate's parents. "You must be the long lost Princess who William is talking about during his visit to Buckleberry," Carole Middleton aka Mrs. Middleton says. "Yes Mrs. Middleton!"

"You look beautiful in person," Mrs. Middleton compliments "You look so much like your mother," I say:"Thank you." Both of the Middleton parents are nice and lovely. "Come to Buckleberry when Kate is off duty," Mr. Middleton says. Wow, a visit to Kate's hometown! That will be delightful! After all it's good to be a country girl once in awhile. Every time I go back to Nashville, it's back to my old self again- a small town girl with big dreams.

"Your sister and brother will visit you tonight," Mrs. Middleton says. Pippa and James Middleton- Kate's younger siblings. The Middleton family has two girls and a boy while the Wales family has two boys and a girl. Such a coincidence! "Wills, Katelyn and I make a move. We have to pack for our visit to the US," Harry says. Oh right! Our first American trip as the Royal siblings duo. At least, my duty will be focusing on kids perhaps? "Yes, of course!" I say as I walk over to give Wills a hug while he kisses my forehead in return. "Rest well Kate!" I say to Kate. "Will do Katelyn!"

Harry and I walk out from the hospital and hop into Joe's car. Back to Kensington Palace. As we reach home, Charlotte comes up to us saying "Princess, there's a letter from Mrs. Katherine Jackson, the mother of the late King of Pop," A letter from the matriarch of the Jackson family. I thought. "Here's the letter, Princess. And tea is served," Charlotte adds. "Thank you Charlotte!" I say clutching the envelope in my hand. As we're having tea, I read through the letter:
Dear Princess Katelyn,
My late son, Michael Jackson, met your parents during his Bad tour in 1988. Both Michael and your mother, Diana, Princess of Wales were very passionate about children especially the ill and those who are suffering through difficult times. Upon your visit to the States, my grandchildren are very excited to meet you and your brother, Prince Harry and to carry on your and their parents' legacy to spread the message of  love. We're looking forward to your visit to the States. Mrs. Jackson

I just stare at the letter for a long time. Michael Jackson, the King of Pop. He was a true legend. I remembered Niall was dancing to his music. He did the Moonwalk when Billie Jean turned on. "Hey sis, are you okay? You seemed lost in thought. You haven't finish your tea," Harry says. "Huh, what?" I snap back to reality. Quickly I correct my siting posture and ask Harry "Did Michael Jackson met our parents back in 1988 during his Bad tour?" Harry nods saying "Yes, he did. Mum accepted the Bad jacket on our behalf when MJ gave it to her," I say :"Oh, that's cool! I was born seven years later."

"Yeah. Dad met MJ years later after mum's death. He told MJ that he really missed you and it was a hard decision to put you in the adoption centre in Nashville," Harry says. "Did MJ mention to Dad that he will meet me if I'm found?" I ask. "Well he did! Sadly that day never come. When you were 13, MJ left the world. I felt sad for his kids. They were going through the same pain as us," Harry says "I think it's a golden opportunity for you to know kids in a whole new level. I know you are just three or four years before 21 so I'll be joining you when you meet the Jacksons,"

As I mentioned before, Royals will perform solo duties when they reached at the age of 21. Whatever Mrs. Jackson has mentioned on joining forces with my brother and I along with the Jackson kids, I think it will be really exciting! I immediately inform Charlotte to reply the letter ASAP. We're not only working with them, we're also visiting to some charitable homes too of which mum was a patron back then.

My first trip as a Princess to the US, here I come!

Life As A Royal Princess (BTR/Kate & Will)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora